View Full Version : scared I have Ebola....

20-10-14, 12:46
Felt sick yesterday and now today I have been sick, ching muscles and I'm so scared I will pass it in to my baby son! My mum also has been sick all night with temp and aching. Went to zoo yesterday but felt I'll before that so not from there. Please reply

20-10-14, 12:56
Have you been to Liberia recently?

20-10-14, 13:00
No where abroad but what if someone's slipped thru the net and iv caught it. My son is my concern I'm scared to have too much contact in case I pass it on

20-10-14, 13:08
You don't have Ebola but you do have anxiety.

20-10-14, 13:12
I'm so scared my friend says if I'm worried go see doc and that worried me even more

20-10-14, 13:14
What are the chances of someone "slipping through the net" AND coming into contact with you AND passing the disease on. - Answer, virtually impossible at this stage.

They would have had to go through exit screening and entry screening to the UK without being flagged up. Then they would have to be ill enough to be contagious (pretty ill) but still somehow be wondering around in public to pass it on. Then they would have to somehow contaminate you with their bodily fluids. Plus there is a 21 day incubation period so you wouldn't be unwell the very next day.

The people who are catching Ebola are family and healthcare workers who are caring for those already sick and therefore coming into direct contact with blood, vomit and faeces. It doesn't pass around easily like flu through coughs and sneezes.

20-10-14, 13:18
I got lucky with. Girl Saturday night... What if she has it. (I'm a girl too BTW) tmi I know

20-10-14, 13:19
Have you bought a lottery ticket?

Positive thoughts

20-10-14, 13:24
No y? X

20-10-14, 13:29
Have you bought a lottery ticket?

No y? X

Because you stand a better chance of hitting the big one than you do contracting ebola!

Positive thoughts

(I get half if you win!)

20-10-14, 13:33
I need some humour thanks :) I'm so worried to cuddle my son in case he becomes I'll too :( x

20-10-14, 13:45
You do not have Ebola. There are no cases in the UK (AT PRESENT at least) but the UK is at big risk of 'importation' of it...in other words, people from parts of Africa with it entering the UK, as this country has a high number of visitors from Africa.

I got this from the NHS website: 'People infected with Ebola can only spread the virus to other people once they have developed symptoms, such as a fever. Even if someone has symptoms, the virus is only transmitted by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person.'

The chances you, amongst the millions in the UK, without the virus even being recorded in the UK at all, having contracted it are slim to none.....none being more likely.

It is far more likely that you and your Mum have a touch of the normal viral, seasonal illness that most of us get at this time of year.

Hope this helps.

20-10-14, 13:59
In need a hug!

20-10-14, 14:21
There's absolutely no chance you've got ebola. I say this not believing in absolutes. :hugs: You're good.

20-10-14, 15:35
It's sick bug season - Norovirus, winter vomiting, call it what you like.
Every Autumn to Easter is the same.
You haven't got Ebola!

20-10-14, 15:36
fishmanpa i knew you were going to say that lol, lemondrizzle if you had Ebola i very much doubt you would be well enough to type on here.

20-10-14, 21:34
Thanks for your support guys x

20-10-14, 22:29
Debs is 100% correct - you can't catch Ebola until the person starts to show symptoms which are blatant from what the media says. Supposedly you can only really catch it from blood, vomit or feces coming into contact with an open wound or if, for example, someone with Ebola vomited straight into your eyes or mouth.

Unless the girl you got lucky with was covered in bloody pustules and vomiting into your eyeballs I'd say you're good ;)

21-10-14, 04:37
Debs is 100% correct - you can't catch Ebola until the person starts to show symptoms which are blatant from what the media says. Supposedly you can only really catch it from blood, vomit or feces coming into contact with an open wound or if, for example, someone with Ebola vomited straight into your eyes or mouth.

Unless the girl you got lucky with was covered in bloody pustules and vomiting into your eyeballs I'd say you're good ;)

And bodily secretions.

OP, no chance of catching this honestly, any case that makes it to the west has the men in white suits all over it and it would be all over the media.