View Full Version : Burst into tears!

20-10-14, 14:38
Hi Everyone

I was doing the housework and after doing the dishes I was tidying the room and for no reason at all I just burst into tears and slid down the wall I don't know if it's been an accumulation of everything that's been going through my mind or a release of some sort...

I feel like I'm getting on my family's nerves with my anxiety...

Has anyone else just broke down out the blue?


20-10-14, 16:12
Hi petesy.sorry to hear you are not feeling very well,i think us anxiety sufferes do have moments out of the blue where we are overwelmed with anxious thoughts and a build up of emotions,it can build up and then bang ! Out of no where catch us out in the form of sadness and despair,im sick of being unwell and often find myself crying out of the blue for no real reason,you are not alone,do you have anyone you can talk to about your health ? Always helps if you have someone to talk to,

20-10-14, 19:28
Yes this has happened to me quite often Petesy, crying for no reason just sitting on the floor unable to cope with anything, just thinking about what to cook for dinner has been too much for me.
On another note.....Housework, dishes, tidying up!!! Wow I want a man like you!!

21-10-14, 09:48
Me to Annie think he needs to come live with me but yep other week I was painting bathroom then slid down door in tears XXX

21-10-14, 15:09
I get that way sometimes.:weep:x

22-10-14, 01:27
Yes, today in the street in front of a total stranger. I think it's the Mind's way of releasing the stress and worry as I always feel better afterwards. I'll take the crying over the muscle twitching and pain any day.

22-10-14, 10:52
I have been in the middle of a conversation and the tears have welled up and I have started crying

22-10-14, 11:01
I cried every day non stop when I was chucked into hospital,dont see it as a negative its a way of releasing pent up emotion.Getting it off your chest is good for you.
Trish I also cry when my mrs makes me do diy & decorating :D

22-10-14, 13:59
Lol Andy you make he laugh his you been xxxx

22-10-14, 14:19
Lol Andy you make he laugh his you been xxxx
very good at the moment ,hope you are to :hugs:

23-10-14, 14:52
very good at the moment ,hope you are to :hugs:
Back up to fifty of sertraline feeling sick today which makes me anxioyse keep telling myself its just the meds nothing else glad you are feeling good you on anything at all now. This is one thing that puts me of med as so many have come off them wen they feel well for it all to cone back and they end up taking meds again how come xx

23-10-14, 14:59
Back up to fifty of sertraline feeling sick today which makes me anxioyse keep telling myself its just the meds nothing else glad you are feeling good you on anything at all now. This is one thing that puts me of med as so many have come off them wen they feel well for it all to cone back and they end up taking meds again how come xx
most people come off them to abruptly and to quickly ,it takes at least 3-6 weeks for the start up effects to settle down and 3-6 months for you to start feeling really well again.When you come off them your brain is used to the prop and they should be tapered very very slowly to give your nervous system a chance to get back on its feet.I take olanzapine 5mg at night,it doesnt give me any side effects except for some weight gain which has now settled down but on my tummy :D

27-10-14, 17:47
Hi Everyone

I'd just like to say a big thank you to you all for your support and reassurance.

Hope all is well.

Much appreciated :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

Petesy :winks: