View Full Version : Really sharp pain across chest (collarbone)

20-10-14, 19:54

I've had an awful, sharp, pain across my chest, collarbone area on the left side. It was so painful and sudden that I went very lightheaded. I do suffer with health anxiety and have had a couple of panic attacks over the weekend but I was feeling fine just before this happened.

Does anyone have this kind of pain? I'm really freaked out but it happened about 1 & 1/2 hrs ago and there's been nothing since.

Any advice?

BC x

20-10-14, 20:07
When did you last eat?
Did the pain happen afterwards
Sounds like heartburn or indigestion - I get it sometimes in my right side collarbone.

20-10-14, 20:38
Hi Chickpea,

I ate at least 4 hrs before this happened. I take medication for indigestion/ heartburn so not had any of those sorts of pains today. This pain went from my left shoulder right across to the centre of my chest, around collarbone area. It was like a spasm I think.

BC x

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

Sorry, just realised it was on my right side, not my left!

BC x

21-10-14, 16:32
It could have been trapped wind, or just a nerve spasm.
If it hasn't happened again, I'd forget about it - I'm guessing you're concerned because it was a chest pain, not your hand, say?
Try to think how you would reassure someone who told you that it happened to them - would you tell them they must go straight to a&e, or would you try to assure them it was almost certainly just a one-off muscle spasm? Imagining it happening to someone else might help you get a different perspective.

21-10-14, 18:15
Hi Chickpea,

I think you're right, I'm staying positive (well, as best i can). I was more concerned about how bad the pain was and how fast it hit. I'm not sure how I stayed on my feet, that's how big a shock it was. One of my triggers/fears is unexplained pain. However, I'm still ok (24hrs later), my CBT taught me the 15 minute rule, somehow that was lost on me yesterday though :/

Thank you for replying

BC x