View Full Version : My name is Kayla

01-01-07, 17:09

My name is Kayla and I am 13 Years old, I live in Ireland,

I am not sure if anyone can help me, I am scared, Before I finsished school for xmas hols I had a thing happen to me in class, I thought I would die and the school nurse rang for my mam to take me to my doctor, my doctor says that it is anxiety and panic attacks, I didnt know what these are and have looked on google and got put here, I am very scared that I will die and my little sister will be lonley, my mams waiting for me to see a spec doc at my local mental health clinic and I am worried I am going into a home now, she doesnt want my family to know and keeps shouting at me to stop attention seeking but I can not help it, they happen all day, I had to see a counseller after my daddy died but my mam stopped me going when she met my step father coz he got sick of me going on about it, I ask in my prays for it to stop, I just want to die and go to heaven to my daddy and grandpa so I can be happy again but want to be alive for my sister emma-jane

I have to go back to school this week and am afraid and want to stay home but they say I got to go,

Luv and Hugs Kay x

01-01-07, 17:11
Hi Kayla,

A big warm welcome to you hun. Everyone here is lovely and you have come to the right place for advise and support. xxx

Take Care


01-01-07, 17:48
Hi Kayla,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Try the following link honey and see if it helps it is all about the first steps to overcoming panic and anxiety :

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

01-01-07, 17:54
Hi Kay

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

01-01-07, 19:58
Hi there Kayla,

Welcome to the site hun, you'll find everyone on here great and more than willing to help you with any probs you may be having.

Take care

shirley xx

01-01-07, 20:31
Hi Kayla,
You have come to the right place. You will find lots of suport here. Anxiety can cause us to feel like we are dying, but it is just a feeling. I know how horrible it feels, but it will pass. I think it is very important that people understand what anxiety is and how it affects them (symptoms) so they can begin to feel better. You also have to be careful where you look for information because not everything you find on the internet is correct. This is a really good place to look. There is lots of information on here that explain anxiety and the symptoms of anxiety. Have a look around the site. I am seeing a psychologist right now and this has helped a lot because she is there to listen and support me. Talking to a psychologist or counsellor might help you to feel better too. If you have any questions or just want to talk I am here to listen.
Take care,

01-01-07, 20:59
Hiya Kayla,

So glad you found us here, as we all know distressing and worrying these panics can seem.

As Michelle said, it may seem as if we are dying, but we are not! One of the best things you can do is to be reassured by your doctor and then keep telling yourself that these nasty attacks won't harm you.

I'm sorry that you lost your Daddy - I'm sure you think about him a lot and that was ever so upsetting - it may well be why you are getting these attacks now.

I wish you could start your counselling again, and get your step-dad to understand.

I hope we can help here

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-01-07, 23:29
Hi Kay

Sorry you're not feeling good at the moment. I started getting panic attacks when I was at school too and I haven't died. It's just anxiety making you feel so awful. I didn't get to see a counsellor or doctor when I was 13 so when you see the doctor you will be getting loads of help to get on top of these horrible attacks.

Have a look at the information about anxiety and panic on the home page and read a few posts. Lots of my family don't understand about my panic attacks either. You're not on your own sweetheart.

Come back here often and let us know how you're getting on.

Take care


how long
04-01-07, 18:13
hi kayla

welcome sweetheart, i have a daughter your age and i'm sorry your mum doesn't seem to understand - perhaps she's scared too. Don't worry they won't put you in a home - the best place for you to get well is with your family and the special doctor you will see knows that.

wish i could give you a big hug


04-01-07, 18:27
Hi Kayla
Big hugs to you. I do hope youre feeling better and as all the others have said this is the best place to be for advice and friendship ,let us know how you are getting on. Take care
Anne xx

05-01-07, 10:26
Hi Kayla
I couldn't reply the first time I read your post cause it brought tears to my eyes.
I know being young you have to go along with your mum but I just hope the Dr helps her to understand what you're going through.
We're all here to support you any time you need us.

Don't believe everything you think.

kamilla 51
05-01-07, 14:31
Hi Kayla.

It seems like you're a tough time at the moment hun! sneding you a big hug.

Like the others have said you must speak with your Mum Step dad and ask them to try and understand. Maybe you coudl all read a book on it?

It would be good if you could try and go to school as keeping busy really helps take your mind off things.

Good luck my love and let us know how you get on!

05-01-07, 14:37
im just like you too..im 13 and i live in england..i have panic attacks too..mostly at school..everyone thinks im attention seeking..exept my mum and dad..but my teachers and kids at school call me an attention seeker all the time..its really upsetting isnt it.
if you ever need to talk..come to me..because i completely understand you.
cya x
kelly x :D

05-01-07, 15:09
Hello Kayla my darlin' !

My Daddy died two years ago this month and it is still very upsetting even when you're a grown up [V] ! You can PM me if you want to.

There are lots of good people here ready to help you in any way they can.....NMP is a safe place to be, as has been said before you have to be very careful on the Internet.

Take care

lotsa luv

GG [:P] (Denise)


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'