View Full Version : IBS, contraception, hormonal issues

Ms. T
20-10-14, 21:59

I'm so happy I found this forum, I'm very excited to meet new people and hear your stories! I'll just jump straight into it, as I see most people do :)

Over the summer I ended up in hospital after feeling very unwell for months. I had very bad stomach pains, irregular bowel movements and bad cramps in my lower abdomen. The pains in my lower abdomen were caused by my IUD being dislodged and ending up in my ovary, a very painful experience. I was put on Co-codamol which made me feel very foggy and anxious. The pain was such that I had to take them though. My IUD had to be surgically removed because the strings had gotten lost. A week after the surgery I had a colonoscopy to check my bowels and I have now been diagnosed with IBS, which is mostly triggered by a gluten and lactose intolerance.

My doctor first prescribed amitriptyline, which worked like a charm for my bowels, but gave me heart palpitations after 3 weeks. I was then prescribed citalopram, which contains lactose and made me extremely ill. I am now keeping to a very strict diet and no meds, apart from the occasional buscopan. This makes my life manageable, but no matter how hard I try, not enjoyable.

On top of this I am struggling with extreme mood swings, which I can only explain as hormonal and irrational. After having an IUD for 6 years, I am completely new to hormones, periods and all that stuff. I don't like it, it's influencing my relationship with my partner, my friends and my professional life. After messing around with various contraceptives (most pills also contain lactose), I am now using the Nuvaring for a week or so.

I keep waiting for that moment that my life will return to normal, but no matter how much I meditate and breath and watch what I eat, I still feel very anxious, I am near a panic attack everyday on my way to work, or at work, or at the shops. The IBS really doesn't help because it makes me feel like I need a toilet immediately, even though I don't. But then sometimes I do. I refuse to let my fears control me, so I bite through them most of the time, but I'm exhausted and am having trouble coping. I'm hoping this forum will help me meet people who might understand.

Thank you for reading


21-10-14, 17:56
Welcome to the site :)