View Full Version : Help in a major state of panic

20-10-14, 22:26
I have a massive fear of going crazy. My great grandma had severe bi polar as does my mum. Both are very I'll from it and struggle everyday.

Recently I've been having your typical anxiety symptoms. State of panic, racing thoughts ect becoming more often and more intense. Well one day I thought whilst in that mode am I going crazy, is this the beginning maybe it's no racing thought maybe I'm hearing voice. Totally irrational but absolutley frightening and you bet ya the health anxiety dwelled on it and made me think there was more to it.

Well it's been like this for about a fortnight and tonight has topped it off. I'm getting in bed to go sleep, not tired but need to sleep as up early and as soon as I close my eyes I keep seeing frightening images. Am I hallucinating? What is this? Getting massive irrational thoughts a long with it. I'm trying to calm down but what the hell is going on I feel like this is it I'm going mad please please tell me anxiety can do this to you or am I right am I in fact going mad x

21-10-14, 08:15
Why does no one ever reply to my posts???

21-10-14, 08:34
sorry I don't know much about bi-polar but if it does run in your family I would take your concerns to a doc and talk it through as the earlier you catch it the easier to treat quickly!.. or as in my case when your loved ones get poorly you start to panic and think you have the same and start to manifest the same symptoms but worse as your focusing on it. book a docs app x

21-10-14, 09:06
I dunno if it helps any but I see disturbing images when I close my eyes at night too. Sometimes faces. Your mind is clearly extra active. If you're really worried, ask your gp.

If people don't respond it's probable they don't know what to say as we're not professionals. Take care x

21-10-14, 10:34
That's exactly what it was wnsos. It was like scary faces out d the horror films I've seen. So maybe id seen a scary film advert in the day ( I'm such a wimp with scary films ) and it stayed in my subconscious mind.

As for the thoughts they scared me massively my friend thinks it's intrusive thoughts whatever they are I just suddenly started think of me dying and my daughter and it scared the life out of me. But that is what my anxiety revolves around mine and my daughters health.

Chandy thanks for your reply I think that's what I'm doing manifesting it. I've had anxiety for a very long time 8years and I'm only 21 but it has never been this bad but I've had a very tough year. Last year my mum attempted suicide twice out of the blue she'd never suffered any mental illness and always seemed happy and normal and one day I came home and found her half dead in bed. At the time I coped with it well she spent 9months in hospital and it was when she was discharged my anxiety got real bad as I'm always in fear she'll do it again because both times she seemed fine so you wouldn't suspect a thing. Which also makes me worry will I one day wake up and just not be well like my mum? I hate mental illness it's so scary and unpredictable x

21-10-14, 18:47
Seen my doc he says I've got ocd alongside the anxiety that's why my anxiety is so intense and bad at the moment x

21-10-14, 18:54
Remember people who are going mad don't know they are going mad.
I can start seeing imagines/dreaming as soon as I close my eyes. I don't think this is unusual?

22-10-14, 08:52
It's not just the images yea that freaked me out but I'm getting awful thoughts like when I'm high up in a shopping centre I get this thought and urge to jump obviously I don't as I don't want to but they said its intrusive thoughts x

22-10-14, 09:06
What type of images? Violent? Sexual? Harm? Religion? etc. They can all be seen in the intrusive thoughts of Pure O, of OCD.

It might help you to post on the OCD board about this as these things come up a fair amount of the time and many of us have been through it and know how to beat it.

I used to have the violent, harm & sexual ones but I'm past them all now.

22-10-14, 10:22
As other posters have said I'd also speak to your GP. These illnesses can be treated and kept under control with the right medication. Good luck xx

22-10-14, 10:38
There's actually a French saying for the feeling when you're somewhere high and have the urge to jump: l'appel du vide. Means the call of the void and it's so common it has that saying.

Also OCD makes sense, I think it's a huge part of HA. At least the obsessional part.


22-10-14, 12:01
It's normally harm. Harm coming to me or my daughter I think it stems from my health anxiety as its my biggest fear of us dying or something awful happening to us. I've got to go in today to discuss what next to do eg meds ect x thanks for your replies I will post in the ocd forum once I've been docs then now I know it's that not the ha.

I hope I can beat this feeling and get it under control whilst my daughters still Young I don't want her to copy my behaviour x

23-10-14, 01:42
Harm tends to split into 2 categories, one being OCD in that you fear you will harm others and the other being the fear that others may harm you which is more paranoia.

Is it related to a specific theme such as germs, chemicals, diseases, etc?

Intrusive thoughts can be seen with any form of anxiety disorder. Intrusive thoughts are something everyone has including those without anxiety disorders as shown in studies and these people didn't realise it until they were prompted to notice them.

So, you may not have OCD, it could be intrusive thoughts that are commonly seen in OCD but can be experienced across the range of disorders. Perhaps your anxiety has taken on this new trait? Or perhaps it will be recurrent in which case it would seem more appropriately OCD.

I think there are a lot of similiarities between HA and OCD, but they are not the same from a ritual point of view. Also, I think its easy to end up with both as the obsessional side can be observed in either disorder as well as such as GAD which can emcompass pretty much anything.