View Full Version : Anyone have stomach problems?

21-10-14, 14:41
I've been told I possibly have a hiatus hernia. Though they won't do a scope because of my age and risk factors are low. I have had problems for years with digestive problems and had gallstones and subsequent removal. Acid reflux on and off ever since.
Just lately I've been on omoprazole yet again. Thing is while its mostly help I am still getting pain. I'm trying not to worry about it all but it just never goes away completely and I'm concerned at the back of my mind its something awful.
It's not helped the news about Lynda Bellingham yesterday. I know it's not the same thing but its very sad and makes you think about your own problems.
Does anyone else still suffer despite taking medication? I don't know where to turn next as its making me truly miserable, the pain is very intense at times.

21-10-14, 15:06
What's Jedi action mean I to am suffering stomach prob awfullnheartburn indigestion bloated feeling burping its been worse since taking sertrline I am hoping it will calm down but don't think it will wat is a hiatus Bernie in am 59 you was saying they our do scope is that the camera down throat or sumthing I hate the awful feeling in stoch as I make me want the heave as well xxxxxx

21-10-14, 15:22
Yep, right here! My stomach is the root of my anxiety too, but another member of the board mentioned she'd had her gall bladder removed (as have I) and comforted me in saying that it's a bit harder for us to digest things in general. It's rotten to be worried about your tummy because the worry makes your tummy get all out of sorts and the tummy being out of sorts makes you worry more.

Omeprazole made me really constipated both times I had it, too. Still not properly regular after getting it again which, once more, more worry. But I did read that omeprazole is used to treat those hernias (not 100%) so it might just be a waiting game? X

21-10-14, 18:12
Haha auto correct. Medication!

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

Funny you should say, I have been constipated since taking omoprazole too. Dr said it would be other way but no. And I am getting really bad build up of gas in my stomach and doing massive man burps.
Can I be nosy and ask your age? I was young when I had my gallbladder out And have suffered tummy problems ever since really. It is a worry.

Just scope is camera down throat. Don't really want it but I really need to get some answers on these chests pains. It really is miserable.

21-10-14, 18:23
Course you can! I'm 29 now and had my gb out when I was 22. They told me I'd be able to eat normally again and back then I believed everything the doctors told me (even after a misdiagnosis) cos they'd fixed me and I didn't have problems that I can remember. But I also wasn't tuned in til now so chances are I might've had problems I just didn't think about.

And yeah my gp said they didn't think it was causing the constipation either but it just seemed strange that the two times I was put on it, I started not being able to go for days. Stopped taking the first before I went on holiday and decided to give it a go this time around since I didn't make the connection. Then I took it for four days this time and was constipated within about 24 hours of starting. I actually had diarrhea the first day after but then nothing. xx

21-10-14, 18:25
That sounds identical. I was in my twenties too. Slim, not your typical gallstone patient. Was told I could eat normally, maybe have the runs after fatty food. All was well for a little while but maybe like you I wasn't tuned in. But it's so much worse these days.

21-10-14, 18:32
I was definitely more on the big side at the time but I didn't drink so they missed the pancreatitis caused by the gs. I bet if we can tune in this way though, we can teach ourselves to tune out a tad. I've read a few people online talking about having strange digestion after having their gall bladder out too and I felt really thankful not to have had it to their extent, but worried all the same. I'm also in that place where I'm obsessing over my diet to an unhealthy degree. Have you asked your doc about alternatives to the omeprazole? I think there are similar ones that so the trick but unsure.

21-10-14, 18:46
I had pancreatitis too and they had a real go at me about drinking assuming that was the reason. This was before they confirmed the gs.
I was on the pill at the time and it's the only contributing outside factor I can find.

I'm back to see my gp next week for a review so we'll talk then. But I'm so just concerned as to why I'm getting this pain. It's very localised too. Which is why he thinks its a hernia poking through I think. I also don't want to be on meds forever, especially as they just assume this is my problem without proper diagnosis.