View Full Version : Palpitation worries

21-10-14, 15:53
Hi there.

I have moderate panic disorder and recently (the last three or so days) I've been having sort of heart palpitations and occasional short-lasting pains in my body. I also get fairly light headed. I know these are atypical panic attack symptoms but I'd just like to talk to others who may feel the same kind of things as I do. Would be nice to talk to people in a similar position.


02-11-14, 21:47

My heart is my biggest concern! Every single day do I find myself wondering if it's working right. Before all of this I hardly ever gave my heart a second thought! If I got a flutter then it fluttered, didn't even think about my heartbeat but now it's all I do!

I do get palpitations too - mainly little ones that feel like a burst of nervousness! I have had ECG's and a 24hr monitor - all clear - yet the worry remains!

I am a couple of sessions into CBT and I'm hoping that'll work for me... Maybe something to consider?

Doc also advised me of Mindfullness... I've never been one for meditation but it seems to have helped a bit!

Good luck & keep positive! X

03-11-14, 11:05
Emmett once again I feel exactly like you. We are heart-obsessed people. I find myself measuring my pulse all the time. If it's too fast, I worry. If it's too slow, I worry too :D

Yesterday I had a scary episode: I had a PVC when my heart was slow (about 65bpm), and those PVCs are more scary because it takes forever to "start beating again". No need to say that I had a panic attack, a small one which I killed with my fan :D Then my heart was 80-90 bpm for the rest of the day, and today I'm dizzy. I can recognize this pattern very well...

Anxiety - Dizziness or PVC - Panic Attack - Fast Heart - More anxiety - Dizziness - Even More Anxiety.. That's a cycle, it never ends. I've done ECG with stress test and Echo aswell, and cardiologist told me that all is perfectly normal, but somehow I don't believe it. I mean, I want to believe it, but my mind always wins.

03-11-14, 12:04

I know exactly how you feel! I am also the biggest hypocrite walking!!... I have 2 children, 1 of them developed a small lump on the back of their neck... My anxiety shot up! I was dreaming up all sorts of diagnosis' and I knew that I would do!

I went to see the GP - the same one that I have seen on many occasions - she immediately recognised it as a raised gland because he had a cold recently! I believed what she said instantly and within a few days the gland went down and all was well again...

If the same GP tells me that I am fit and well, I don't believe her at all... I want to believe her, with everything i have I want to, but I talk myself out of believing. Yet I trust this woman with the lives of my children?! What is that about??!!

I also find myself pulse taking and worrying about breathing properly... I keep thinking every day I wish I could just get better! I am hopeful that I will, eventually... But it scares me to think how long it'll take! X

04-11-14, 01:36
I relate to all of you. I have had heart palpitations for as long as I remember...

I experience them when I eat.
I experience them when I'm laying down trying to relax.
I experience them sitting down right now in front of my computer thinking about them.

I'm constantly checking my heart rate trying to make sure it's at a reasonable level, only to tell myself that I'm at the verge of freaking out (when I shouldn't be) and I stop. I tell myself to stop because I'm perfectly fine. If I was not okay... the doctor would have found something by now.

I can't tell you how difficult it is to deal with experiencing heart palpitations, especially if it feels like you're the only one experiencing them for your age (I'm 25!). I use Rescue Remedy drops 20 ml to help ease my nerves, I take multi vitamins every day, and I take a tablet of 5mg Melatonin before bed.