View Full Version : Worrying about all sorts trying not to.

21-10-14, 18:10
I am trying to do some positive thinking. Surely I can't have hiv, hepatitis skin cancer and something wrong with my breast. As well as having all this a branch will not fall on my head whilst I walk or cycle under a tree nor will a drop of contaminated water fall on me whenever I go under a bridge. Also last night I found a tiny, small sliver of can from the tomatoes in my meal. Just because I found one bit doesn't mean I ate another piece which is at this moment slashing my insides causing internal bleeding that I won't know about until it is too late. I am sure I have read somewhere that stomach acid dissolves almost everything, and even if there was a piece that gets through it is soft metal so probably wouldn't do anything, just get squished up, also it would have been so tiny any injury inside would heal up because the body is a remarkable thing. If there was any injury too I would see blood and/or feel very ill and know what it was and be able to get it sorted because surgeons are excellent nowadays and can do allsorts.

It doesn't help that me stomach feels weird, I think it may be hunger. There shouldn't be anything in there from last night.

21-10-14, 18:53
Can any one tell me about sertraline

23-10-14, 10:22
Have you ever tried CBT to help control the thoughts and worries about your health? It can be good to help you to re-train your thought processes.

23-10-14, 16:41
Hi, Yes trying it and also waiting for counselling/therapy! It feels like there is always something to worry about. Tonight I am going to get my results from a blood test. So keep swinging one way then the other as to how they might turn out. My daughters water bottle smelt weird a bit like swimming baths tonight and she had drunk some. (I gave her a glass of milk cos I have heard that is neutralising) My water bottle smelt a bit but not as much. It was a bottle that had been refilled only the 2nd day though. I wondered if it was because it was warm, then I thought it shouldn't do that! So I have the inner trembles about that too. My neck really hurts, I know it is probably because I keep tensing up. I feel pretty miserable about this constant worrying and keep thinking that when I know 'this' is o.k I will be fine, and then something else happens and starts it all over. I really need that therapy!!!