View Full Version : Back to work

21-10-14, 19:51
Well have managed to go back to work after over 5 weeks off and feel ok! Feeling nervous and fighting the side effects of new meds but I must admit am very pleased with myself!

Trying to accept that anxiety is part of me and no doubt will still have blips and times when it overwhelms me but know I can get through it.

It can be done peeps!


21-10-14, 20:06
Well done mermaid,it gets easier and easier as time goes by
Hang in there

24-10-14, 23:06
Great to hear Mermaid! :) Lovely to hear some positives. I hope you enjoy being back at work. You should feel proud!

25-10-14, 04:25
Well done Mermaid. How did things go with your work colleagues as I seem to recall you were a bit worried about what to say? Funnily enough, Time For Change used to run adverts about that and had loads of flyers in supermarket chains to promote awareness.

It will get easier over time as well, it did for me. It took me a good 6 months to get back to normal in work but after then I had a lot of confidence back and was back working in a high stress role.

26-10-14, 19:25
Thanks all!
Not sure how I worked Friday as I had the most severe headache and nausea all day but got through it.
MyNameIsTerry I was asked many times as I work with many peeps during my day and I said I had been quite ill but nothing serious, I am still not ready to divulge.


27-10-14, 03:46
You don't even need to Mermaid, its no ones business really other than your line managers. See how it goes, feel people out and anyone who seems quite right wing about issues might not be worth saying too much too, the same with people you know do a lot of gossiping.

I think a lot of people don't know what to say either. When I returned and later saw people who had come back due to time off with anxiety & depression I found it easier to talk to them but before you go through this I think its a bit alien really as its not well understood even now, just more openly discussed.

27-10-14, 06:10
I agree & ignore the gossips!