View Full Version : Please help

21-10-14, 22:10
I am feeling really anxious and worried at the moment....

Today was ok until I did the school run. I picked them up and was walking down the street with my kids. I remember this part of the journey. Then I went to cross the road (it's a small little street and I was at the bottom of it, no cars can come through the bottom of street as it is blocked off for united utilities to do work on the area so only cars can turn round in the space that's it. I remember there were no cars about that area.

Anyway I 'must have cross the road' but I don't remember doing it. I know that sounds stupid but my two older children were in front and I 'ended up' across the road with my older children and my 3 year old and she came to me as I stopped and said 'I've fell over' now I feel like a bad mum because I didn't see her fall. And I don't remember where she was as I crossing. She gets told to stay with me. It's not a wide road just a small diameter. But I didn't see her fall, I don't remember where she was as is was crossing and I don't remember crossing over. Could I have just been in my own world and didn't realise? Or could i have blacked out of something? I'm really anxious and feel like a horrible mum for not noticing her fall and I'm normally 'on guard' of my 3 year old and normally keep her close. I was pushing a pushchair at the time with my other toddler in.

When I came back I was In like a 'trance like state' in other words I was kinda on speed dial just getting on with chores one after the other and not caring about anything (obv made sure my kids were ok, they were playing) then I made their tea and got this overwhelming feeling that what if I actually 'lost it' and don't care and didn't makes kids tea and neglected them. I know that I wouldn't and I have made tea and they have eaten it but got really scared thinking I'm losing my mind. Could this just be anxiety and an anxiety attack?

I feel like coming out of whatever it is slightly but I'm still really worried as to why I didn't see my daughter fall or remember that part of the journey and scared I passed out

I have been worried lately due to my health and come uncomfortable symptoms that are unexplained

Has anyone else's mind ever done this?

21-10-14, 22:21
I do no what your saying u was saying to my friend other day worn my anxiety ad and I have to many things to rember I can be washing my pots but my mind else we're I don't even rember doing the job I feel like wen I am over tired to I get forget full xxxx

21-10-14, 22:24
It just sounds like you have a lot on your mind and also had your hands full.

I'm often absolutely miles away, especially if I am thinking about something that I'm really worried about.

Don't add any more meaning to it than that. It just complicates what's pretty straightforward.

Everyone with anxiety asks themselves "what if I lost control" and panics a bit. It's so common its normal. It's the main fear of an anxious person. Fear of insanity and losing control. But that's all they are, fears.

You love your kids. You're not going to stop looking after them because you were worrying about something and didn't notice your child fall over.

Don't give it a second thought. Just carry on being a great mum and catch yourself when you notice yourself worrying too much. Mix with others as much as you can and get out of your own head/worries.