View Full Version : heartbeat 145 bpm feels like triple beats

21-10-14, 22:43
So iv had mixed answers hospital sent me home today after a night stay my doctor witnessed in his office my heart at 145 I was feeling super ill and had the adrenaline feeling taking over all my body he panicked too and sent me to hospital I got seen too within 10 minutes but it took me 15 to get there this had already been going on for 4 hours she did my pulse which was 110 still high but waiting another 15 mims for a ecg when I had one it came back normal I stayed in hospital over night and was fine accept feeling sick and exhausted they sent me home waiting for a letter to tell me when I can have a 24 hour heart monitor my doctors all seemed concerned accept this one this morning who said tap your pulse when it happens and breath into a syringe ??? Which I think sounds crazy but he's the doctor this only started Saturday it comes when it wants and its now tuesday happened 3 times my whole body vibrates with my heartbeat I nearly collapse and im taken over with adrenaline / a gag kind of feeling both times hearts been seen at 145 bpm and blood / pressure/temp all fine during this time anyone know what it could be the doctors keep asking if anyone has had SADS in my family but I dont know thanks x

22-10-14, 05:24
What sort of situations set off this fast heartbeat in you? Are there any medications or supplements you eat?

25-10-14, 23:56
No situation its happened when I've been sat down doing nothing and happened randomly when out with family I started trimeoprim I think thats how you spell it on the 15th and finished that monday it was for a suspected kidney infection which now blood test have shown I did not have one