View Full Version : overactive bladder - freaking out

22-10-14, 12:41
Hi there. I gave birth 15 months ago so not sure if thats possibly causing my problem but that was some time ago so i doubt it. But for quite some time i have an overactive bladder as every morning when i wake up i feel desperate for a wee and i seem to go for a wee more than most. I googled it and its come up with bladder tumour and kidney disease so im freaking out now would i have other symptoms with these illnesses? Anyone suffer from this? Im really scared.

Please reply
Love Louise xxxx

22-10-14, 12:55
What's unusual about having to desperately wee first thing in the morning? That's universal. As far as weeing more than most? Before you jump to any conclusions, I believe you'll find that the bladder can hold copious amounts of liquid and you wee no more than anyone else does after 8 hours of sleep especially if you haven't gotten up during the night.

Certainly you can discuss this with your doctor and there probably have been some changes to your body due to child birth but I highly doubt it would be anything sinister.

Positive thoughts

22-10-14, 13:47
I am three years past childbirth and my bladder has never been the same since. If I think in my head I need to go to the toilet I literally have an urgency a minute later. And when I need to go I have to go straight away. I can go all night without a wee but also need to go straight away in the morning. I don't think it's unusual, justness muscle tone etc.

22-10-14, 14:26
Since having my kids I always have to go in the morning straight away x

22-10-14, 19:13
I always have to go first thing, even when I've been in the night.
Husband and kids are the same - it's completely normal!