View Full Version : what a new years

01-01-07, 21:26
hi guys , hope you all had a good new year,

i was having a nice quiet night untill my sis asked me to come out, so i did, was only out 20 mins and took half a pint and started to burp really badly and my tummy started to swell,

i started being sick outside , just a little bit, then i got pains in my arm/shoulder joint on my left side. managed to get home, took a pain killer, but didnt sleep very well.

now today i have really bad heart burn in my chest and back 0f throat, im getting sharp pains im my left side, just for a sec mind, they come and go,

my head feels fuzzy and stuffy and pains at the side of my temples..

i started my Zispin (my meds) on friday night, but didnt take it last night.

im just a little worried now,

can someone pls give me a little advise,

have just taken another pain killer, and half a diazapam, so hope that will help.

am i freaking out over nothing but bad anx?
should i just take my med as usual tonight?

my head feels like its gonna explode,


01-01-07, 21:50
Stephen you will be fine!!!!

Sounds like indegestion to me!!!

Keep taking the meds they will work soon!!!

luv kaz x x x:D

01-01-07, 23:16
Hi Stephen,

Hope you are feeling better already, if not take your meds as usual, things will settle down.

Hugs to you


02-01-07, 02:20
guys you know the way i say my left breast is always swollen, well i just found a sore spot under it towards the arm

any ideas?

02-01-07, 02:25
Hi. Describe what you mean by sore spot?
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Love shoegal xxx

02-01-07, 02:31
just tender huni, sore when i press it thats all

02-01-07, 08:50

Hope you're feeling a little better - my Christmas and New Year were awful too!

Perhaps you pulled a muscle when you threw up, or if you're feeling a little under the weather, it may be a gland has come up if it's near your armpit.


02-01-07, 12:23
Hi stephen,

I had terrible heartburn over new year as well and it spoiled it for me. I've still got a sharp pain on my right side ( think its my liver now!! ), and it hurts when i eat so im not eating now!! It does sound like heartburn to me try some gaviscon it helps a little........hope you start to feel better soon and im sure your meds will kick in soon.

Take care hun xx

02-01-07, 12:48

hope your feeling better today. My hubby gets really bad indegestion and gas after drinking any lager.
If i said to my mum 'ive got a sore spot when i press on it' - she'd say well don't press on it then!

anx xx

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

02-01-07, 14:00
Hope you are feeling better
take care Annexx

02-01-07, 17:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

If i said to my mum 'ive got a sore spot when i press on it' - she'd say well don't press on it then!

anx xx

</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

i say that to my kids all the time anx :D, maybe i should start practicing what i preach hmmm lol!!

airwolf, i hope you're feeling better by now, take care :)

rachel xxx