View Full Version : Hey all

23-10-14, 10:32
Hi all, My name is Faye, 33, with a three year old boy and 35 weeks pregnant,
Have suffered anxiety, panic attacks and OCD for 18 years, I was always in control of my panic attacks, getting nearer to due date am experiencing frightening panic attacks again and after a bit of support, nice to have people to chat to in similar situation. Hope you are all doing ok today.

23-10-14, 10:47
Welcome Faye! Hope you find people who have been through similar experiences to you. I'd love to have kids one day although I can imagine that there might be some fear surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. Must be worth it though, right? For the delight of bringing a new life into the world?

23-10-14, 22:44
Faye, I have replied to you on my thread. Hope we can chat as i too experience health anxiety, panic attacks and OCD. I also have PTSD after my daughters traumatic birth and it has put me off having children for life. I think you are very brave to have another child. I have spoken to alot of people who had first traumatic births and went on to have good straight forward second births. I know its hard to do but try not to panic to much, its not likely to have the same birth as your first. I am put of having more but maybe that will change in a few years time once iv come to terms with it all. Have you managed to come to terms with what happened? x

24-10-14, 19:08
Hi Faye :welcome: to the forum.