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View Full Version : Bleeding gum when flossing - worried

23-10-14, 18:36
I flossed my teeth today (hadn't flossed for a week...) and my gum started bleeding more that it usually does between these two premolars that were root canaled in the summer. It usually bleeds in that area, but today it bled a lot more. There's a tiny dark spot on one of the teeth, next to the gum line on the outer/cheek side, but the dentist says it's not decay, just normal darkening due to the root canal procedure. Should I call my dentist over this bleeding episode? I'm afraid to get infective endocarditis due to these bleedings. In fact I have already suspected that these chest symptoms I've been experiencing might be due to some sinister and rare form of subacute infective endocarditis that doctors have been putting down to anxiety just because I happen to have a clinical history of anxiety/panic since 2006!

23-10-14, 20:15
I've done this when flossing. I would leave it alone for a while and you can ease your gums by rubbing in a circular movement a dab of toothpaste in to your gums, which helps prevent gum disease anyway. Gargling with salt water helps protect against infection as well. :)

23-10-14, 20:41
It just means you could do with a hygienist visit and a good talking to about brushing technique. Nothing more, nothing less. ;)

23-10-14, 22:07
My hygienist warned me that I might see blood after flossing if it wasn't something I did regularly - she told me it's nothing to worry about and it will stop once I flossed every night.

24-10-14, 12:06
I rubbed a bit of clorhexidine gel over the area. Hope it has reached the gum between the teeth.

This is a difficult place to reach though, because the space between these two premolars is too tight. It's hard to brush and to floss properly.

Yes, it seems plausible that this "flossing break" might have contributed to the bleeding, even though it bleeds sometimes even when I floss regularly or every day (yet not as profusely as yesterday). There was more food detritus between the teeth and that might have caused trauma on the gum when flossing.

Thank you.