View Full Version : pregabalin - blacklisted?

23-10-14, 19:51
Hi guys.

ive got some longstanding anxiety im not currently on any meds except diazepam when things really get too much and also im paying privately for CBT while i await my referral to phychological services on the nhs.

i read a lot about pregabalin and due to the fact i cant tolerate ssri/ssni/ anti deps in general i got very excited - i asked my gp if we could try it and she said no way its blacklisted and not recommended/used for anxiety!

it does seem to be blacklisted on nhs buckinghamshire - is there any way around this?

23-10-14, 20:33
Just wanted to say hello and welcome :)

23-10-14, 21:31
Maybe because of the cost of pregabalin. Its still under patent so costs a fair bit!

24-10-14, 01:47
Does anyone know if its available in bedfordshire?

im fairly close to the border in bucks/beds, and my boyfriend lives there so tempted to change my address to his and try a GP there.

sick of my GP theyre a bloody waste of time!

24-10-14, 07:04
It is used for generalised anxiety but I don't think many GPs have a lot of experience with it as it generally isn't prescribed as a first line treatment for anxiety. They like to use SSRIs first, even though as you have found they can make anxiety worse in some people.

My GP told me in this area pregabalin was for 'specialist use' only. My guess is rules on the use of pregabalin will vary from area to area because it is so eye wateringly expensive.... many times the cost of antidepressants or diazepam.

24-10-14, 07:11
Interestingly, there is Freedom Of Information Request to Bedford Hospital which shows they prescibed pregabalin as seen here https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/treatment_options_for_various_me_12

Its more expensive than many of the others as seen here:



It is still advertised on NHS Choices for anxiety disorders:


The problem can lie in the fact the NHS should really be called HS as its up to the local commissioners to determine what to use in their regions. Its a very silly part of the NHS that should be abolished as far as I'm concerned as all it does is cause differences in care...just look at the differences in mental health therapy seen on this website alone!

If your GP told you it was not recommended for anxiety disorders then perhaps you should make her aware of CG113 from NICE shown here http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg113/chapter/1-guidance which specifically states "If the person cannot tolerate SSRIs or SNRIs, consider offering pregabalin. [new 2011]"

So, in my opinion, just another case of a GP telling porkies to avoid discussing it.

The question is whether it has been turned down for funding by your local commissioners/trust.

24-10-14, 13:42
Great info Terry.
Pregabalin has been licenced for use for anxiety since 2007. Your GP is talking b******s!
Sorry but this just makes me so angry that GP's are not up to date with the latest drugs.

I really hope you take Terrys advice and show him/her the Nice guidelines. If your GP still argues the point then see a different one.

Good Luck:)


05-11-14, 23:51
Blacklisted my foot, your doctor should be a little more understanding, dam all to with patient safety, its all to with money.... dont let your GP walk over you!!

23-03-15, 21:54
In my experience, a GP will not prescribe it as a first line treatment for anxiety; it would have to come from a psychiatrist. You could see a psychiatrist privately, usually costs around £250 per appointment, and request a private prescription? But, again, it'd very much depend on what you've tried already - mirtazapine, quetiapine etc are far less costly and effects on anxiety better documented.

20-05-15, 15:57
I've been on pregabalin for about 5 months now, yez it cost about £90 for the nhs each prescription at the time, but as far as i know, their patent has ran out,
I would suggest seeing another gp,
I found it somewhat helpful,
Good luck :)