View Full Version : hi

23-10-14, 20:47
After googling the symptoms of my latest 'attack' I came across this site and found a suprising number of folk who have the same problem.Thought I would join up and say hi.
For myself I quite often have palpatations,doc thinks I may be having panic attacks or have a benign heartbeat, at times my left arm aches and sometimes my lips,tongue and hands tingle slightly,light headed and i'm left feeling tired and my chest aches. I can go weeks and be fine and then one attack leads to another and I can be weeks before feeling OK again. Nearly went to A&E couple of weeks ago as I got myself that wound up., my heart felt it was trying to beat its way out of my chest.
Blood tests and ECGs have come up OK but there is always the worry of something worse in the back of my head.
On the brighter side I have two great kids a lovely German shepherd, love my vw camper and long to live the beach bum life in Cornwall, roll on the lottery win:D.
So hi folks, I hope to find some comfort on this site and maybe help others too.

23-10-14, 21:06
Hi :welcome: to the forum.

23-10-14, 21:13
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-10-14, 21:54
Thanks :)