View Full Version : Getting over a traumatic experience

24-10-14, 11:39
From summer 2013 until summer 2014 I had to put up with someone very loud, mouthy and abusive next door. (god, that’s so HARD to write). Not to put a to finer point on it, it scared the brown stuff out of me. My anxiety of not being able to escape it was sky high and lead to me having stomach problems for nearly two months. The thoughts I had at the time I can’t bring myself to admit in print. :weep:

Anyway, she’s gone now, chased out of town, but my anxious thoughts echo on. Our new neighbours are grandparents who sometimes have their grand kid up and when I hear it have a bit of a tantrum in the garden I go into a panic. I’ve got a very short fuse with kids now.

I did CBT and therapy last year, don’t know if it helped or not but I’m wondering if there is any advice that I could use to make myself accept that the situation has changed and there is no need to panic?? :shrug:

24-10-14, 13:35
Time is a great healer...I know that sounds corny but it is true.


25-10-14, 04:11
Have you tried relaxation techniques such as Calming Technique or Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)?

Also, I would say to try Mindfulness because it will help you be non judgemental about situations and this will help to stop you reacting to triggers like this.

25-10-14, 04:14
My trauma involved something similar, and I found mindfulness very helpful too :)

26-10-14, 18:17
Mindfulness rocks!

To try it, have a look at the Headspace site - fantastic for anyone wanting to find out more, and it has 10 free podcasts to start you off.