View Full Version : Gratitude letters

24-10-14, 13:17
This is what a gratitude letter is:


I have written three gratitude letters today. One to an ex boyfriend from years ago and two to friends. I don't have the ex boyfriend's address, I don't see him, and I don't think he's going to give me his address so it's a bit tricky to thank him.

It's written and I understand a bit better why I am grateful to him for what he has done for me. Just a pity that he won't accept my gratitude. Probably any contact from me is misconstrued as me trying to get back into his life, and he has a new girlfriend now who I am sure he is very loyal to.

I'll keep it and maybe one day he'll let me give it to him. He changed my life for the better and as the years have gone by, I have more clarity on the effect he had.

I'm so thankful to my friends too for the support they have given.

Writing these letters has been the only thing I have been able to do easily today. It can help with depression. Just hope that the others will accept my gratitude.

24-10-14, 13:34
I've started with people that I don't have any bad feelings towards. I'll work my way up to people that I have mixed feelings for.

Don't start with your ex gf! Start with someone who has done something nice for you that has changed things for you. E.g. a teacher that really made a difference to you at school. Even if you don't send your first ones, it still helps you to write them.

I haven't actually hand delivered any letters like that except for love letters during relationships.

24-10-14, 15:51
It's easier to think about the bad stuff she has done than how much you love her. Making her the enemy is easier than feeling the loss of someone you love.

24-10-14, 23:25
Well done! That's great :)

26-10-14, 13:12
It's worth a try, right?
Maybe you need to express the anger first before you can get to the gratitude bit.

27-10-14, 10:04
Everyone has a way of expressing themselves and letting out emotion. Here are my ways:

Talking to friends
Reading how other people have experienced things and seeing how it's similar to me
Writing in my diary
Writing on here

Anger can come out physically. Sports might help

22-11-14, 20:01
sounds a big step in the right direction to overcome emotionally distressing feelings...... myself I find it really difficult to have a response that isn't just to ignore them.... might give this a try :) don't think ill ever send them thou......