View Full Version : please help :(

24-10-14, 18:02
I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks for years, but the last 3 have been extremely hard. I cant work because of it and live with my mum (im 19), I barely leave the house without her and depend on her a lot.

she has gone on holiday for 5 days, she left this morning and I was a wreck. I have to stay home and look after the dogs, I've managed to get through today but I always find the nights worse. I've only ever stayed at home alone for 1 night before so 5 seems like an impossible task. I am finding it very difficult to cope right now, does anyone have any ideas so I can get through tonight and the next 5 days?

I constantly feel an anxious and I dont know why, I hate being without her, I tried talking to her before she left but she doesn't understand and told me I was guilt tripping her into not going away.

Please help :(

24-10-14, 18:16
Aww Hun you will be fine do you like reading I always find a good book in bed helps me take my mind of things x

24-10-14, 18:32
Keep as busy as possible. I used to absolutely hate being alone, especially at night time but I've found if you make a bit of a routine, don't sit about and worry but keep active. I find that baking is really good to keep you distracted as you have to think about lots. Plus you're moving about rather than sitting still. Have you got any friends you can invite over for a bit? I've had friends stay over so I'm not by myself. Just think of how you'll feel by the end of it, it will be a big accomplishment :)

24-10-14, 21:46
Thankyou, I have managed to get through this evening and will head to bed soon, absolutely dreading the next few days :( I didn't think about baking, i will do that tomorrow, thankyou!!!

I used to read a lot, but haven't recently so maybe I could use this as an opportunity to get back into it!
Thanks again x

24-10-14, 22:13
Good luck with the baking tomorrow! 1 evening down and you're doing good so far :)

24-10-14, 22:43
Don't think about the whole 5 days - just take one night at a time.
Tell yourself it's really only the period from going to bed until you fall asleep,so make bedtime really relaxing - buy a glossy magazine/new book, watch your favourite film in bed, have a hot chocolate...whatever you enjoy. Think positively and you'll feel better.