View Full Version : New first post- anxiety issues completely fed up!

25-10-14, 09:16
Ok where to start? Firstly hello 😃 this is my first post here, I think my anxiety problems stem from when I had my first son 11 years ago and I've been dealing with this for a while now ive had every type of "help" going and yes at the time it does help but I've been help and medication free for 3 years now. My everyday life is not too bad I struggle one I have to do anything new or out of my normal routine, I just get fed up with feeling on edge over the silliest things, my main anxiety revolves around travel I really don't like to do it, for example last week I should of been visiting my dad in hospital (he's had major surgery to remove his cancer) and this required me to go on a train, I couldn't do it, my hands were sweaty i was shaking and my anxiety levels were sky high and this was just whilst I was at home, so I didn't go and therefore spent the rest of the day annoyed with myself and like a big let down :-( any advice or anyone who is in the same position as me I'd like to hear from 😃

25-10-14, 10:10
I feel for you... I also have this strangeness around 'traveling ' ! I think its got something to do with having a panic attack or passing out in public places.. How crazy is that , but know you'll understand. i know its anxiety because usually within a few minutes of getting in the door I feel 'safe ' and feel better. I live a 'normal' life too, but like you find can be really on edge all the time , and it is very very tiring.... I also suffer from claustrophobia so life can be difficult. Got no answers for you , just support. You're not alone , and it happens to a lot of people... Sometimes that kinda makes me feel a bit better.. Take care xx