View Full Version : I'm in panic!

25-10-14, 12:21
Anxiety is really building up inside me.

I have been fearing brain tumours for just over 2 years since I started getting headaches around my sinus region. I have had so many symptoms since then that have come and gone and in all honestly I have been just living with the fear tucked away in the back of my head, surviving one day at a time.

2 weeks ago, I got a strange headache at the back of my head.neck, painkillers didn't work, it was quite mild, like a veyr low grade migraine and lasted a few days but I then noticed I had facial pain, kind of in my cheek/jaw/mouth region at first I seemed to have too much saliva but as a few days went by my mouth went dry, really dry! I'm unsure if its a feeling of dryness or actual dryness but since then my speech has gone downhill, I feel like I cannot get my words out of my mouth and also the right side of my mouth feels like it catches when I talk or does not move correct.

I started looking in the mirror at my face and have become aware that my right side of my face is lower then my left side, and started to panic more then its a facial palsy from the "brain tumour" I told my Dr about it but he noones face is symmetrical. It probably was always like this but I didnt really tune into it?

I can smile both with a closed and open mouth normally, raise both eyebrows and also shut and close both eyes fine.

He has done a blood test for mumps as he thinks my right saliva gland is a little swallon. I should get results of this around tuesday.

Not sure what I should be doing, the dry mouth is driving me nuts, when I drink it appears to get worst, almost like the drink is washing away my saliva and I get dryer still. My speech is worrying me to the point that I'm scared to talk to people....

25-10-14, 15:36
Try sucking a sweet for the mouth dryness and I no it's easier said than done but try not to worry your doctor has it in hand and shod of reassured you all is ok, you did the right thing getting checked out