View Full Version : Excessive fear of boyfriend dying

25-10-14, 12:50
I've had this horrible fear mainly since I've been with my boyfriend of nearly 3 years.

It started off where he had lots of problems with his heart and had to have loads of tests, and if he didn't text back for a while or hadn't replied I would get so terrified he had suddenly ''died'' in his sleep or something :'( It doesn't help I've already got a fear of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, and I worry he could've just gone in his sleep or something.

We're both in university and it's happened so many times and people around me have told me how ridiculous it is when I sit around crying if he hasn't replied for a lengthy amount of time. It's happened again, he hasn't replied for 15 hours and I'm just sitting here crying. He suffers pain a lot, and I know he's had lots of tests and is fine, but a part of me can't help but think something awful has happened, it's like I'm grieving him already!!!
Can anyone else relate to this? :'(

25-10-14, 15:39
I can't relate to this but if your boyfriend knows you feel this way then why would he leave it 15 hours between texts you may need to reminde him a simple text or phone call would help you to keep calm I'd be annoyed with him

Red angel
27-10-14, 11:07
Hi I can relate to this in a way I constantly fear something horrible will happen to my children it can get so bad I have had visions of them dying and their funeral I have cried so many times because of these horrible visions and fears. I suffer from GAD and PD and these fears are part of my everyday life unfortunately I have even gone as far as getting a job as a TA at their school so I'm with them during school hours even tho my children are healthy I constantly fear they will fall or someone will hurt them so your not alone with these fears I try to focus on something to take my mind off it like cleaning or go see a friend it helps for a little while :-) xx