View Full Version : My nan is about to die

25-10-14, 18:55
Just been told that my nan who has been in a nursing home for over a year is to ill to eat or drink. She has had dementia and we don't really know what is going on inside her. I've always managed to avoid having to deal with anything like this this close before. I'm more worried about mum and how she will react.


26-10-14, 01:29
Sorry to hear this Pete.

Do you think your mum might have prepared herself for this given her mum's poor health? All you can do is be supportive mate, these things come to us all at some point in life.

26-10-14, 13:11
I am sorry to hear about your Nan Pete. I agree with MNIST that your Mum has probably been preparing herself for this but even so the loss of a close family member is never easy. This is natural though and when the time comes your family with go through the grieving process and you can help and support each other. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

26-10-14, 17:50
Hello Pete. I am very sorry to hear this sad news. Also I am saddened to hear your nan has had to endure dementia as it is a truly cruel and debilitating disease. Although it is scary to face something this distressing, humans are incredibly resilient. As the others have said, your mum will have been preparing herself for the day that your nan passes away. Sometimes how we think we might feel, isn't how we feel on the day.
It's very natural to worry about how you would go about dealing with something like this & in many respects your post is a way in which you are preparing yourself too. In addition it is natural to worry about family members and how they might react too, particularly those who we are very close to and reliant upon.
Again as the others have said, you can be supportive of your mum. Indeed as a family you can all support each other.
At times it might be a particular person will need extra support. It might be that people's needs fluctuate too. Sometimes people may need privacy & quiet. other times they may express their emotions more visibly & need hugs & comfort.
But all in all ..... Being with your family & doing what you can to be supportive & understanding will go a very long way to easing all of your grief. Also there is no right or wrong way to deal with something like this. On the one hand, Don't be afraid to show your emotions as that too is very natural. But Indeed were you not to experience strong emotions that too can be quite normal.
What I am sure of is that people here at NMP are very caring & will provide support for you.
Sending you hugs :-)