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02-01-07, 02:58
I've just joined up today, and read through a lot of previous posts as well as having a brief chat with the live peeps.

Now I've read quite a bit about people feeling like they have lump in their throat which won't go away, and this is certainly a symptom of anxiety.

I have this feeling everyday, feeling like this since I started suffering with general daytime anxiety about 4 months ago. About 2 months ago I sought out some self help material, learned to talk myself down from a Panic attack when I felt the urge rising. I even joined a gym and for a few weeks was getting everything back on an even keal.

However the problem with the feeling in my throat has got worse. While I've had a bottle of water in tow for the last 4 months (god only knows what people must think), its become a real problem.

The last few times I've been down my local shop, or even ventured out, I get the feeling I can't swallow. It then degenerates with me trying to swallow a couple of times, nothing being swallowed, and straight into a full blown Panic attack in seconds. Like going from mild ill-ease to get me out of hear now !

I was begining to cope a lot better prior to this onset about 3 weeks before Christmas. As it is, I'm now fearful that I can't talk myself down because it comes right out of nowhere *bang*.

Such has become the extent of the problem, that I haven't left the house for the last 3 weeks. A jolly old Christmas was had by all, unfortunately minus myself.

I have other symptoms beside, but its this one "out of the blue" panic that I'm finding most difficult to live with. While I appreciate and know its a symptom of my condition, I feel absolutely helpless when it strikes.

I was wondering if anyone else with a simlar problem may have found a coping mechanism which I could give a try ? Its a New Year, I'd like to get out again, and realise the longer I don't the higher the mountain that will have to be climbed.

Any ideas ?


02-01-07, 03:03
Hi Krakers,

I too have had the lump in the throat thing back in April. I think its called globus hysterics. I had it for about 2 months then when I realised after joining this forum and reading posts about it went away as I wasn't scared anymore and realised it was just another symptom of anxiety and I wasn't alone so I stopped thinking about it and it gradually went away. I do still get it the odd time now but it doesn't last as I don't dwell on it anymore. Hope this helps.

Take Care


02-01-07, 03:22
Thanks for your reply Mandy. Globus Histericus - it certainly sounds just right.

Like many things with anxiety, it probably isn't helping that I'm fixating on it. So much so that I do actually get to the point where I can't swallow - 3 or 4 dry gulps sends me into Panic Attack. Obviously I do eventually swallow, but by that time my heads completely gone.

I wonder if I'm just swallowing too much because I'm thinking about it all the time. It did actually go away for a spell (2 weeks or so), but at that time I was fixating about my breathing - that was worse than the swallowing.

Would be nice if I got up tomorrow and didn't think about it first thing when I wake. Maybe then I could get through a day without it. Although having said that, thinking of leaving the house right now seems like an ordeal.


02-01-07, 03:24
Sorry for an instant reply to myself - you must all think I like the sound of my own voice.

I've just read my previous post and it seems really negative. Thinks its time for me to review my self help tapes - wherever has my positive thinking gone !


02-01-07, 11:57
Hey Krakers,

When I read some of the posts I've made espically when I joined in April i's hard to believe that it was me posted them they were so negative. This site and the people on here have been a godsend to me and I know they will be for you too. It's a blessing knowing we are not alone and that other people here have experienced the same as us.

Take Care


02-01-07, 13:56
Hi Krakers

Welcome to the forum

Please dont worry about sounding "negative" in your posts we have all done it, blimey if you read any of mine you will find they have probably been edited lol! Your posts will probably even be on comfort to some as it makes people realise they are not alone with all this stuff.

As for the water I do the same, I don't have a lump in my throat but I do have problems with "over" swallowing and the panics that come after, I feel that my mouth and throat are drying up and need the moisture. I also have to have a packet of strong mints on the go too!! My house and car are littered with water bottles!!!

Take care:D


02-01-07, 17:53
Hey, Ive had the swallowing problem since i had anxiety problems. I even got the doctor to give me a test when you swallow some gooey stuff and then doctors x ray it. of course nothng there. Now i know its a form of anxiety it doesnt bother me so much. When i eat tea or dinner and theres no problem i know its in my head. Ive also had the sudden panics when i couldnt swallow and go all red. I relate it when you have a cold and sometimes you cant breate through your nose and you panic, if you take a deep breath its usually alot better and sorts it self out.

02-01-07, 23:54

I had the lump in the throat sensation for over a year, it went in the summer but has recently returned. The key to getting rid of it.............

Ignore it.

Sounds impossible and pretty tricky to do, but believe me, its the only way to beat it.

Take care,


I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

03-01-07, 01:34
Thanks for all the replies, they've been most helpful.

Knowing the name of the problem and that its a lot more common than I thought I think has helped. Today has gone a lot smoother than yesterday, and I've barely noticed it at all.

Thanks again.


03-01-07, 03:17
difficulty swallowing is due to tension in your neck muscles.try to let them relaxe and the swallowing will improve.

james mcgrath

06-01-07, 18:18
Hi Krackers,

My name is Tracey, i was reading your post forum, just and it was like reading my very own story. Mine began four years ago i'd just had a baby and suddenly woke up one day couldn't swallow thought that i was about to die, all the way to the hospital in an ambulance i was making deals with god. I had all the tests done everything there was absoloutley nothing wrong with me i was told the lump was a figment of my imagination. i went on anti depressent for 6 months cos they said i had postnatal depression they didn't work. Eventually i convinced my G.P to refer me to a ENT doctor, I went to my appoinment he kept saying there was nothing wrong i told him that i was convinced that i had throat cancer he kept saying 23 year olds don't get it i said load of twoddle in the end i had a camera put down my throat there was nothing there except for redness because of the excessive acid burning in my throat. I was told because i'm worrying i was producing more acid which was burning my throat and causing the lump sensation but it's the fact your throat is a little swollen and tender. Now four years on i'm still here with the same problem some days no lump other days can't breath can't swallow but it's all in my head i know that but i still convince myself that all the docs are wrong. There not though. You have to go out and live every day i find that if i am out enjoying myself there's no sign of any lump any problem anymore i have learned to live every day with my problem some days it does get the better of me but i just go out, go and talk to friends or just go for a walk and it eases of. you'll get better at coping i did. milk helps to take some of the lump feeling down i carry ant acids every where i go they reduce the feeling i have spoken to loads of people with the problem and they have acid reflux with it. Good luck i hope my story helps you.

Love tracey xxx


07-01-07, 03:56
Wow....it is great to find this forum regarding swallow problems. Like the rest of you, I have struggled with this mysterious anxiety problem for years.

My problem began back in 2001, when I tried to take a drink of water. For some reason the water didn't feel right in my mouth, but I tried to swallow it anyway, and nearly choked on the liquid. It was a terrible incident.

Anyway, I shrugged it off, and figured I would be back to normal after a few hours. Well hours turned into days and days turned into weeks where I couldn't swallow or drink anything. It got so bad that I couldn't even swallow my saliva. It was like my tongue didn't know what to do with items I put in my mounth. Doctors ran a battery of test but couldn't find anything wrong with me, so they decided to give me anxiety pills and sent me home. Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to swallow the pills, and I ended up dehydrated and went to the emergency room.

In the end, my weight dropped from about 175 pounds to about 130 pounds over a period of 3 weeks, and I ended up hospitalized for another 3 weeks. I nearly starved to death.

Although the doctors didn't seem to understand the problem, the nurses where great. When I told them I couldn't swallow anything--including pills--they crushed the anxiety medicine for me and put it small cups of juice. It really helped, and I finally got to the point where I could drink small amounts of liquid. I think I survived on protein drinks for 3 years.

To make a long story short, I still struggle with anxiety related swallowing to this day, but it is a lot better. Sometimes I can go for weeks without any symptoms--such feelings of lumps in my throat or breathing problems--but the problems always return. At least I get a little relief now and then.

Anyway, Klonopin really helped stop the problem, but that medicine can be very addictive, and I had problems getting off of it. I switched to celexa, which in nonaddictive, and that helps as well but to a lesser degree. Without the medicines, I don't know what I would do.

Even though I suffer from anxiety, I don't always think about it--I've gotten so use to it. Strange to have anxiety when your not thinking about anything stressful. Earlier today, I was having problems swallowing saliva when the phone rang. After talking on the phone, I noticed that the problem had disappeard. Distractions work great.

For those of you who have trouble swallowing saliva, try talking on the phone. Maybe the distraction will work for you too.

Thanks for listening.


07-01-07, 13:54
Thanks Tracey and Roqman for relating your stories. As much as its a horrible affliction, I really did think it was just me that was strange rather than it being linked to my anxiety.

I've must have had this problem for far longer than I've been seeing my doctor for anxiety. I was thinking back today and can quite clearly remember a situation where I had to constantly have a glass of water with me, and that predates seeing my doctor by 6 months.

Maybe it was an early warning sign for me, pity I didn't know more then.

I've actually had a good few days since posting here. While it hasn't gone altogether, its effects on me have certainly been diminished since I was told what it actually was.

Its also been strange too. The day before yesterday I almost managed to forget completely about it. Then I went to my local corner shop (been agrophobic of late), got in the que and then all of a sudden couldn't swallow. I had to help myself to a can from the fridge and stood sipping it in the que (this was the better of 2 evils, 'cos I was going to just leave).

I hate it when it sneaks up on me like that - one minute fine, then next minute all my saliva has gone and I get an on-rush of panic. Will it always be this way even if I manage to beat it ? Its my main form of anxiety and panic when out, and if I could resolve this I'd be a hell of a lot better off.


15-01-07, 21:30
Thanks Krakers,

Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been out of town the past week, and then I could not find this topic on the website again. I do think it is good to share information about this type of problem.

My doctor prescribed celexa, and that seems to help the problem a little. It is also good for people who have a fear of flying. Unfortunately, I am starting to build up a tolerance to the medicine.

Is anyone else taking any medication that helps? What type?



17-01-07, 13:20
HI Krakers,

I'm new to this too - so bear with me!! I have just read your posting and wanted to tell you that I have the same swallowing 'issues' as you. They are definatley anxiety related and are often the first sign for me that something's up. I can go for months with no real problem, then it comes back with avengence. I get the shopping one - always in the queue. I got myself in such a state about it last year that I couldn't go into a shop without someone with me. Makes me feel like I'm never going to swallow again and will pass out or die right there in the aisle!! I can get one after the other if I'm really clever! The other thing I've done is develop a bit of a phobia about eating in restraunts or in public places, or in fact, at it's worst, can be anywhere that isn't home.

My therapist told me to stick my lower jaw out when I feel it, as this helps to relax the muscles in the face and neck and doesn't let them get so stiff. The other thing to try (but may look a bit silly!!) is to open your mouth as wide as it will go - I sometimes pretent I'm yawning - you can stick your tounge out too, and this can help to make you swallow. THis sometimes makes a slight gagging feeling - but I don't mind that as I find it really does help!

Apparently the queue thing is becuase we are putting ourselves under pressure knowing that we have a "job" to do when we get to the end of the queue i.e. maybe having to speak to the person on the till; standing at the front with people waiting behind for you to finish etc. Try distrction techniques in the queue - easier said than done though! I havne't been shopping on my won to a big supermarket for over a year - I'm working on it...! I still carry water wherever I go too!

Give the above a go and let me know if it helps for you.
Good luck, Sarahx :)

17-01-07, 22:23
Thanks Roqman and Sarah for your replies.

I'll certainly try those tips next time I'm out Sarah. Unfortunately at the moment I've become quite Agrophobic. I know I need to get out, but every time I did previously I was back to square one with not being able to swallow.

I can certainly empathise about the que in the supermarket. I've been using Tesco's online for the last few months - even though Tescos is less than a mile away from my house !

The "one after another" struck a chord too. Once I start not being able to swallow it just goes on and on until I can get out of there. If the ques too long the panic hits first and I just have to leave. This is even the case in my local corner shop. I even get it when I'm the only one there. I've forgotten the amount of times I've tipped them because I didn't want to wait for my change.

I've kind of got a problem with eating like you too. Its not so much a phobia (well I don't think anyway) its that sometimes I just can't face the thought of all that chewing then trying to swallow. Either I've got to have a big glass of water with me or just give up. It can happen at home too. Added to that I've recently changed meds, my anxiety has gone through the roof, and I just don't eat when I'm anxious. I've probably had 1500 calories in the last 6 days.

In my head I know how silly this all is. I sleep at night without water or without not being able to swallow. I never wake up in the night choking. While I know its not going to kill me its become a huge problem. Its the main cause of my agrophobia and I'm also avoiding other situations too even in the house. I think I need to get a grip.


18-01-07, 15:32
Hi Krakers,
Forgot to say that apparently putting your tongue between your teeth is supposed to help jaw muscles relax too, and it opens up the throat area - I've tried this during an "episode" but as you know, they are so terrifying that I'm not really sure if I felt any benefit from that. I think it does help to train your jaw/throat to relax between "episodes" tho!!

I'm really sorry that you are feeling so agrophobic - that must be awful for you. I too am a great friend of Tesco's online!! I am getting better by going to little local shops and working up from there.

Feel free to Pm me for a chat anytime. Good luck, Sarahx

19-01-07, 16:33

I had this for about 2 months and was convinced I had throat cancer. In the end my doc referred me to a consultant who gave me a scan. There was nothing there. Guess what! The feeling of a lump in my throat disappeared as soon as the anxiety disappeared.

I have had it since, but I know it is anxiety induced. For me, the answer was the scan really. Nothing else would convince me.


21-01-07, 22:30
Hi krakers, what you are going through echoes exactly what has been happening to me over the last few months. I've had the 'swallowing' thing in regular panic attacks since about November but as my panic attacks have worsened into some kind of agoraphobia, I've had it a lot more. I'm also using the 'water bottle method', but I have found that I can't always swallow. I tried taking a bottle of water and a can of non-diet 7Up out with me last week and found that occasionally sipping at the 7Up in between drinking water seemed to help. I've avoided sugary drinks for ages but I do find that it can help in some small, weird way.

One thing I have noticed is that the current cold weather makes breathing a hell of a lot worse for me, and this contributes to the problem as more mucus is created which makes it harder to breathe clearly.