View Full Version : Are there any vegans here?

26-10-14, 10:30
I have suffered from anxiety and panic for the last four years. I have just switched to a vegan diet and am planning on taking supplements to ensure I don't get a vitamin B deficiency. However I have heard many people say that vitamin B has actually increased their anxiety, and indeed it did mine when I started taking a vitamin B complex a couple of years ago. I wondered if there are any other vegans on here who suffer with panic and anxiety and how they cope.Thank you.

26-10-14, 21:47
Hi, Sedalia!

I've been vegetarian for about 7-8 years now. Just fish and shellfish. Just recently gave up dairy almost always. Butter still for vegetables, although I am trying to switch to coconut oil. A little cream in my coffee, because everything else to put in it is truly crap. I've bought some books and been doing a ton of online research to find complete proteins and meals that will cover off for protein and other nutrients I might miss out on otherwise.

A blood workup a couple of years ago showed me as low in B12 (for which the doc gave me a shot), and iron. Sadly, I have found I am having a really tough time with supplements myself. I have a great B complex pill but cannot take it because anxiety kicks in no matter how I take it, so I hear you!

A lot of my new vegan recipes (one cookbook is all raw foods) seem to call for nutritional yeast, which is taking a little getting used to, but I am working it in where I can. Not bad in fillings made from avocado and such. I've heard it is nice on popcorn. It doesn't seem to bother me like the pills at all, which I'm very happy to share! I plan to work it into most meals and snacks, a little at a time, until it naturally becomes part of my daily eating.

Here's the info from the nutrition facts chart on the label: (Bragg Premium Nutritional Yeast Seasoning.)
Serving size: 1 Tablespoon
Calories: 20
Total Fat: 0 mg
Sodium: 0 mg
Total Carbohydrate: 2 g
Dietary Fiber: 1 g
Protein: 3 g

% Daily Values based on 2000 calorie diet:
Iron 2% Thiamine (B1) 180%
Riboflavin (B2) 160% Niacin (B3) 70%
Pyridoxine (B6) 140% Folic Acid 40%
Vitamin B12 40% Pantothenic Acid 30%
Zinc 6% Selenium 10%

So, clearly it covers off for 40% Vitamin B12 needed, almost 3/4 of daily requirement for B3, and well more than 100% of Vitamins B1, B2, and B6, in just one tablespoon!

Interestingly, quinoa and pumpkin seeds are considered complete proteins, and so easy to work in! 220 calories in 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds for 18g of protein! Easily managed when sprinkled onto cereals, salads, veg and fruit! Also, seitan is said to be complete but for lysine. I'm hoping coconut aminos will help fill in the blanks of missing amino acids as well. They say that if we are taking in enough calories (one really does have to eat more/more often as a vegan), then we will have no problem getting enough protein. I agree it's important to ensure the same for the B vitamins and all our other nutritional needs for good health!

I will be looking again for a sublingual B12 to make up the difference, and see if there is also a food source or easy to take supplement for the B3 and the rest.

Good luck and if you find something tasty to substitute for cream, please post! Lol!

Marie :D

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:43 ----------


27-10-14, 14:00
Thanks for all the info Marie! That's very useful and I shall certainly look into the yeast. I've decided to take a one-a-day multi vitamin & mineral supplement, but I'm starting off with taking half the tablet to begin with, so it hopefully won't start the anxiety off. Although knowing me, I will get anxiety just because I'm worried about getting it!

As far as the cream is concerned, here in the UK we have a make called Alpro which is made from soya, I wonder if you have anything similar over there? Thanks again for your help. x

28-10-14, 02:18
Hi, again Sedalia,

I'm afraid I have an intolerance to soy, which is obviously something of a hardship, considering ... lol! But, I can always just go back to a non-dairy creamer, I'm just not such a big fan of all the fillers. :P

I find I actually have a problem with most tablets; if not anxiety, then it's stomach upset. I just found a liquid calcium, and vitamin D drops and am doing better with those. I am also looking for an omega 3s supplement made from flax or something that contains enough of that to make up for what I get from salmon.

How long have you been vegan, and did you just switch all at once? Were you vegetarian first? I can't imagine an "overnight switch"! However, it seems a natural next step for me now that I'm finally tiring of fish. I haven't had beef, chicken or pork for all these years and I don't miss them! ... Have you considered raw food veganism? I love the idea of it! I have tried a few snacks and even bought a spiralizer for veggie "pasta" and a mandoline, I just think the dishes look so beautiful! But it is challenging for those of us who don't have much access to lots of fresh tropical fruits, nice berries and good quality vegetables. Not likely to be a full-time choice, here in Northern Alberta Canada (ha ha!), but I want to work raw meals/snacks in most days.

Wondering whether you have tried seitan yet? I am trying to find one that doesn't include soy in some form or other. Hope you have success with your one-a-day supplement. I am currently doing a course of high-dose probiotics in hopes of improving digestion, especially for supplements. Two weeks, after which I will try adding more. ... Oh, by the way, nutritional yeast is available in bulk in some grocery stores and small packages or jars in health foods stores. :)