View Full Version : i cant do this right now

02-01-07, 07:32
ok so, me and my boyfriend of 2 years that i live with have broken up. that part is ok. what isnt ok is that i need to move out. its stressing me beyond belief. i thought my anx had gone for good. i met a new guy, been partying and hanging out heaps. been v ok until today. i havnt been home in a while cause iv been out at the new guys house. i gte hom elast night and start to feel weird again. i woke up this morning feeling sick and weird like i could have a PA any sec. my tummy has been burning and i feel aweful. i went to the toilet twice this morning and both times fine. then just before i had an upset stomach. this hasnt happened in months. i dont know whats happening. im severely emetaphobic ( fear of vomiting) and now im scared i have a bug. terrified actually. although i know its anx i need reassurance. i just had a big chat with my ex, i tol dhimm everything on my mind. how am i gobnna go introducing this into a new relationship? where am i going to live and what if they done understand? who will look after me? im 19 and v confused and stressed i feel like i could just die. honestly i want to die. its all i can think of right now. my world isnt worth it it seems and i feel so depressed and hopeless. i need someone to help me and look after me and the one person that did that for me i now have to leave. the breakup was mutual but im going to miss him. i cant do this guys and i really need some help. what should i do????

02-01-07, 10:54
hi cookie,

its so hard when a relationship ends, even if it is mutual, all these feelings that your are having hun are all part and parcel and they will go away soon.

sorry you are having a rought time, you are not going to die and remember that we all feel like this sometimes they are just felings and they will go away. tey and think positive about the challenges ahead and think this is a new year, a new start for you.

hope you feel better soon

tkae care


02-01-07, 15:33
Hi Cookie,

My boyfriend and I split a couple of months ago and it too was a mutual decision. I'd been thinking of it for a while and wondering how I'd cope as he's my rock. We are still friends but don't see each other much now. It is a change for you but it will get easier.

And with the emetophobia, I have that too. I've been terrified lately too as there is a bug going around. The best advice I can give is to try do things to relax you and things to distract you. Things you enjoy doing.

Things have a way of working out. Hope this helps,

Take Care,

Heather x

02-01-07, 15:44
Break-ups are so hard and then when you add anxiety it make make it that much harder. Change is really hard for people and I think this might be why you are so afraid. Surround yourself with supportive people that will help you get through this. Have you ever seen the movie "Somneone Like You"? I used to watch this over and over again when I was going through a break-up. It really explains the feelings we go through. If you need to talk I am here.
Take care,

09-01-07, 03:24
thanks guys for the messages. im doing ok. panic has come back but im learning to deal with the feelings a bit better. i am seeing someone new now - hes amazing and i wonder why it took me so long to realise. iv told him about my anx and he said hel be there whenever i need. very understanding and took it well to my relief. im just worried about my money situation and living arrangements now and cant kick the anx to save my life. again, im sure it will pass as the stress passes. thank you all for your kind words. its so nice to know im not alone.
be safe all,