View Full Version : Nobody ever answers me, please help

27-10-14, 02:14
Please someone answer me...I am sick of feeling so alone in this.
I get a feeling in me that something is off, or not right. It's not necessarily that I feel detached from my surroundings (though sometimes I do) but it is mostly that I feel just WEIRD. Like, all kinds of different emotions...I feel like a different person, that something inside of me is off and weird. This feeling can make me irritable and upset, and it makes it hard to concentrate. Anybody out there at all feel like this?

I first started feeling like this when I was 14, I got on effexor and I felt 100% better until I was 20 (two years ago)...could my effexor be becoming inefficient? Please someone help me get answers.

27-10-14, 03:44

Id defo say your dose or meds needs changing hun. You have had this before and you said it disappeared with meds so take comfort in that and go see your doctor and discuss the medication with him.

Good luck

Red angel
27-10-14, 10:57
Hi maybe you need to up the dose? Or change medication might be worth you booking in to see your doctor tell him/her how you are feeling . Hope u get better soon dont suffer in silence and you are not alone :-) xx

27-10-14, 11:01
Hun go an see your doctor as the other of said might be your meds need adjusting x