View Full Version : Stomach problems anxiety???

Red angel
27-10-14, 09:04
Hi about 3 months ago I was given sertraline by my doctor after taking them for about 3 weeks I noticed a strange movement in my stomach felt like something was pushing my stomach out it wasn't painful just strange anyway I got scared that the tablets where causing harm to me as the side effects where horrendous so I stopped takin them.ever since that strange feeling in my stomach I have had countless stomach problems I always have stomach pain with constipation and dioreah I have pains in my chest back arms shoulders I constantly worry I have cancer it's actually getting me down alot now any advice or similar experiences? X

27-10-14, 10:02
I am same I started sertraline in august but for first two weeks I took a quarter which would be 12.5 then third week I took half which was 25mg then third week up it to 37.5 by taking three quarter then I took the full50mg which I had took for a good four week but I had same thing with my stomach it made me feel sick to but stook with it I had dry mouth keeping me awake and awful heart burn I thought I can't do this so I weened my self back down but then noticed I was becoming more afraid of every thing and silly thought I had plus I woke up feeling the dread in my stomach of it being another day which made me see the tablets were working I had to try so I gradually upped them back up ibam on week two now of 50mg so why was you put on them I have anxiety panic and agoraphobia xxx

---------- Post added at 10:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 ----------

I also suffer back and arm pain same everyday I get up my back hurts i am so stiff with tenseing up but can't stop doing it x

Red angel
27-10-14, 10:24
Thankyou for the reply its a comfort to know I'm not the only 1 suffering with this. I was put on sertraline because of my nan dying I have suffered from GAD and PD for over 10 years now been on different antidepressants through the years I hadn't been on anything for about a year as I had learned to control the panic attacks and the worry and anxiety has just become part of my everyday life :-/ but as I say I lost my nan very suddenly in may and my anxiety came back with a vengeance I felt like I was having a nervous break down I couldn't sleep I was on high alert with everything I was/still am scared of silly things like my kids going to school,being in the house alone being in crowded places ect but the stomach pains started about a week or so after starting sertraline it's started with a strange pushing out feeling in the stomach now the pain is constant I think it could be because my nan had pain in her stomach maybe it's the fear of getting cancer just like she did? I just want it to stop :-/ xx

27-10-14, 13:31

adrenaline thatīs released into the stomach muscles causes nausea or stomach churning. On each side of spine run main invuluntary nerves or lines and out of them are feeder lines. A feeder line runs into each muscle in your stomach and nerve terminals supply adrenline into each muscle. Adrenline causes muscles to tense, it relaxes, and then more adrenaline is released, then the process repeats. If you have a lot of adrenaline its like a running tap, so muscles stay tensed. Then they start to ache. Worrying keeps the symptoms alive, its coming from your mind. Changing your mood makes symptoms go away. In other words donīt worry about it.

Iīm pretty sure it is just anxiety causing your stomach problems! Get it checked out though for peace of mind first!
