View Full Version : And breathe...........

27-10-14, 14:50
I'm having this weird thing happen and it's terrifying me,

When I'm falling asleep or am asleep I wake up not breathing wait about 5 seconds then take a huge gasp of air!!

It's freaking me out!! I feel like going stop breathing

Female healthanxiety
27-10-14, 20:32
I had this last night and I freaked out.

I woke up suddenly, heart hearing and forgot where I was for a moment, was scary.

Am sure it is defiantly anxiety related and is quite common.

Think it's out minds still on overdrive and we are trying to sleep.

K xx

27-10-14, 20:47
It's sleep apnea. My mum has it. It used to scare me loads when I was little and she'd fall asleep on the sofa and do it. I've had it a couple of times when I've had either a cold or a really bad dream. It's scary but it won't harm you.

27-10-14, 22:06
It's horrible, I'm scared to go to sleep because of it,

I've spent the rest of the day worrying that I'm going to stop breathing, it's happened a few times

Thanks for the replies