View Full Version : Why Do I Link Everything To Anxiety / Depression

02-01-07, 10:01
I got up this morning felt down, I then though I have depression. I went down to the shop to get the paper, My mood changed instantly and now I'm fine, What actually was wrong was that I was just still not half woke up and everyone feels this way in the morning add to that Christmas is over which wouldn't have helped but everyone is in the same boat.

And last night was another example I felt really down and depressed, I then stupidly did depression screening test on the net which of course came back negative. The real reason why I was feeling down was I was out late New Years eve and tired but I immediately thought I had depression.

Anyone else get like this?

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

02-01-07, 10:29
Hi. I expect you have got into the habit of negative thinking and 'catastrophising'. Next time you start feeling bad, remind yourself that you are tired or run down and that you will feel better soon. The more often you think positively, the more natural those thoughts will become. Negative thoughts can actually cause physical symptoms, and positive thoughts can make you feel well and happy! [Yeah!]

Hope you feel better soon, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Love shoegal xxx

02-01-07, 10:50
I get a bit like that... It's not a bad mood, it's a major depressive mood swing. Or it's not a cold, it's pneumonia and I'm dying...

I swear to god I've had leukemia three times this year, where I've convinced myself of it... I've only just gotten over my second bout of meningigtus! And yeah, with depression its the same. Like, I haven't got a job because I'm depressed. I'm not really fat from stuffing myself at Christmas, it's depression...

Get's tiring... I feel for you...