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27-10-14, 18:15
hi ive been suffering with frequent urination for two weeks and wen i went to docters he sed trace of blood and white blood cells in urine im freaking out hes sent sample off to lab im hoping its an infection and nothing seroous has anyone else had this x

27-10-14, 18:56
I had traces of both of these and was diagnosed with an infection. Try not to worry too much . x

27-10-14, 22:04
Thanks alma did u get ain't I biotics ??? Anyone else have this? X

28-10-14, 07:44
96 views and no ones had this?

28-10-14, 11:28
I had a positive dipstick test for blood but the lab work came back clear as did another dipstick a week later. I saw my GP today and he said it could be bubble bath causing UTI type symptoms. I hope you are able to relax until you get your blood tests back. It's hard I know!

28-10-14, 13:21
UTI infection

28-10-14, 13:41
ive had it a few times caused by a bladder infection,antibiotics cleared it up in a few weeks.Try not to worry to much its quite common

28-10-14, 15:28
Thanks guys xx I've gota ring up tomoz I'll let u no how I got on I'm just confused as if the lab test comes back clear what next?. As I'm still having to wee every hours sh and obviously dipstick says blood and white blood cells so confused I'm hoping sample comes bk with infection if the lab test is clear is that a good think or not? Xx

28-10-14, 15:30
I had white cells in my wee when I had a bad urine infection and also some blood as it cleared so I honestly wouldn't worry.
Probably just a UTI - they take a while and sometimes a few rounds of antibiotics to shift!! x

28-10-14, 18:10
Sorry for late reply, I had 7 days of antibiotics and was recommended to drink loads of fluids to help. x

28-10-14, 21:46
Hey my results have come back clear from lab so dunno weather that's a good thing or bad ?? What does the lab check for is it just infection or other things ? I'm still weeing ever hourish :( so now more worried I hoped it wud come bk infection now I'm confused x

28-10-14, 22:17
Hey my results have come back clear from lab so dunno weather that's a good thing or bad ?? What does the lab check for is it just infection or other things ? I'm still weeing ever hourish :( so now more worried I hoped it wud come bk infection now I'm confused x

Ok... look at what you wrote. Results are "clear". So is that good or bad? Do you want it to be an infection? The urge to pee or poo is a common anxiety symptom due to a primordial reaction, whether consciously or unconsciously, to what is a perceived threat or danger. So, when you're anxious, whether you feel so or not, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode thus the urge to go. Work on the real illness and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

28-10-14, 22:34
Thanks fish but the dipstick detected blood and white blood cells in urine . And lab didn't so I'm confused as still have same symtoms as before I no. It's not axiety as I've suffered with anxiety for 8 years and never had this it's horrible x

28-10-14, 22:40
Thanks fish but the dipstick detected blood and white blood cells in urine . And lab didn't so I'm confused as still have same symtoms as before I no. It's not axiety as I've suffered with anxiety for 8 years and never had this it's horrible x

So... maybe you had a slight viral infection and you body cleared it. It happens. Bottom line is you don't have a medical issue but you do have an admitted 8 year anxiety issue. Why not try treating and finding ways to deal with it that will help you prevent a downward spiral.

Positive thoughts

29-10-14, 08:32
Thanks fish do u no if the urine sample wud of been bad if it was something serious ? X

29-10-14, 18:02
Anyone else had this x

30-10-14, 13:42
Thanks all who replyed I went to docs again today lol and urine dipstick was clear but that might be coz of the anti biotics I'm on anyway I'm still feeling like I need the to let every hour it's really depressing to be honest this can't be normal surely :( x