View Full Version : Groin lymph nodes please help :(

27-10-14, 19:47
as u may know from reading my previous posts i have a BIG issue with lymph nodes.
Ive had a few in my neck that have been up for 7 months and have gotten smaller so im not worried about those as such.

However last week I got a pain in my groin, went poking about and i felt lumps ,, not sure exactly how many but they were tender to touch, saw my GP 2 days later who assumed i had Cystitis and assumed that was the cause, she took a urine sample to test and said she would call me back if infection ws present, I didnt get a call so i phoned the receptionist who said it was negative.

So now im stuck panicking because these nodes are up and i have no infection or any other reason for them to be up. also im not sure if theyre all glands, as atleast 2 are where the top of my pubic hair is (TMI Sorry) ... please does anybody know if its normal to have lumps and bumps in this area. im seriously panicking

28-10-14, 11:35
I can feel the lymph nodes in my groin and have done for sometime, so I wouldn't worry if I was you.

29-10-14, 21:15
Thank you taffy! Thats reassuring

30-10-14, 22:16
Thank you taffy! Thats reassuring

If they hurt they are probably infected.

If you were poking around then you're bound to feel them anyway, most slim people can feel the ones in their groin (they're the most palpable).

Mine are up everywere atm and it is driving me insane.