View Full Version : Newbie

Bella c
28-10-14, 00:18
Hi all,

I'm totally new to this site but basically wanted to see about support advise and give my family's ears a rest too :) . I've experienced anxiety and depression on and off for the past 15 years. I'm on medication at the mo and having cbt but I'm struggling more and more lately, anxious about my children, my health!! On the outside I'm trying to keep smiling and be strong but on the inside I'm falling to pieces. Anyways I'm glad I've found this site and fingers crossed tomorrow's going to be a better day xx

28-10-14, 06:04
Welcome :) xx

Bella c
28-10-14, 12:05
Thanks Cameron g. :D

30-10-14, 03:55
What brings you here? Hope you're well x