View Full Version : Feel like my life has gone

lisa p
02-01-07, 12:15

I have decided that my life has gone and there is no point in anything anymore. All xmas I have been stuck indoors, not wanting or able to go anywhere, other than a walk down the road with hubby and kids.

Today hubby has gone shopping round the sales with my 9 year old son, and me and my 4 year old daughter have been cooking.I would so love to be able to go out with them but just do not feel able to.

I have had six sessions with the hypnotist and feel no different. I have decided that maybe this is my life now and perhaps I and others around me should accept this.

I am now in a panic because on Thursday my daughter starts big school and for three weeks she has to be collected at lunch time, which means I will then have to return at 3.15 to collect my son. I can barely cope with one school run a day let alone all this.

I am not on meds but wonder if I would feel any better if I was? I feel sick all day every day and since xmas feel so tired that I feel I could sleep for ever. I have no appetite, and really struggle to eat.

Thanks for reading.


02-01-07, 12:31
Hi Lisa

Don't despair honey - you don't say how long this has been going on but you will find there are so many people here with similar experiences who are doing much much better now. Don't be afraid to come here and spill it all out!

There are lots of ways of dealing with anxiety - medication is one - and you will have to be very determined about trying things properly, because you CAN get better!

Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

02-01-07, 12:34
Hey Lisa,

Sounds like you are having an awful time at the moment!! I've been following some of your previous posts about school runs and visits and was a bit sad to read this given your successes before Crimbo.

In some way you need to reconnect with those feelings that you had when you actually went to school and made the trips...you did so well and it was great to share your success.

I know from your previous posts about the support you are having but it might be worth considering seeing your GP. Meds can be a great help in giving that extra boost to allow you to build on what you have already achieved.

From what you have previously said, you have the abitilty to move forward, you might just occasionally need a bit extra to make that happen. remember Crimbo is a pretty difficult time for a lot of us where all the extra pressure and expectation weighs us down....that is pretty much over now....look to the start of '07 to continue to move forward as you were doing so well prior to Christmas.

Take care Lisa, remember you are not alone in here


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

02-01-07, 12:40
Hi Lisa..
I feel EXACTLY as you do. Should we just accept this IS IT?
I don't know. Do you get tired of just constantly fighting? I know i do.

I'm positive you'd love to go out with your husband, as i would like to go out with mine, but its fighting the fear and doing it anyway cliche! Cames down to how badly do you want to do it? When the fear is that bad - its hard to find the motivation, i'm the first to say that. I WISH there was something where i could just click my fingers and everything was all good again.
I'm dreading do the old school run again. When you've not done it for a couple of weeks it take a little while to get back into it. How far do you have to go for your children??

I wish you well Lisa...

02-01-07, 12:53
Awww Lisa, yes I've been where you are and you feel that it will never, ever get any better.

After 25 years I am now starting to see improvement so please don't give up trying!

Good luck with the school runs.

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

02-01-07, 14:02

Maybe you are right in accepting it, but at the same time don't give up hope.

As Iain says, you have the pressure of Christmas, but also its a big time for you as your youngest starts school.

Don't find this as such as that will cause you more stress - be as busy as you can and let it pass.

Remember, you are not alone.




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-01-07, 15:59
I think a certain amount of accepting this aspect about yourself is no bad thing but please don't despair. We all have times when we feel stronger than at other times. Xmas is a stressful time and I think we can all join in in feeling more tired and sluggish than we usually do.

I really feel for you with the school run - mine are all teenagers now so I don't need to do it anymore but in someways it is your little outing for the day and gives you the reason to be out and about.

Also there is no shame in accepting help here and there - I used to walk to school with a friend over the road for months when I was acute and it really helped.

You did very well before Xmas and you will do very well again shortly - we all need space to consolidate from time to time :D:D

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.