View Full Version : Aneurysm worry

28-10-14, 13:25
I posted a thread about this the other day of my strange head symptoms just a quick re-cap.. I had a cold left with the aftermath cough now and 7 days ago this horrible pain started in my head whenever I cough a really sharp, sudden stabbing pain in the front right hand side from the back of my eye and temple right up the side and top and inbtween that a dull general headache ... this isn't a psychosymatic pain. This is the real deal extremely painful pain. My right eye keeps feeling sore to... So I went to the doctors I waited a week for a doctors appointment then got the trainee GP! If I wait a week surely I should have my own doctor? Anyways so he did some things like getting me to follow his finger and watch it wiggle out of corner of my eye he looked in back of my eyes and checked my chest (for some reason) When asked what he was looking for he said he was looking for symptoms of a tumour or an aneurysm... cue hysteria as its secretly what iv been suspecting. Anyway he couldn't find anything so I went home slightly comforted... That comfort has well and truly disappeared now my head on the right hand side is getting weird spots of pain on it... Its making me so horribly depressed and anxious. I feel like I have a ticking time bomb in my head. My mood is so low I feel like I can't cope anymore with the pain and with life I just can't seem to lift myself up from this I was starting to get really depressed before the the longest headache ever saga and this has just about finished me off. Im scared to die but I'm scared to live. I look at my family whenever I see them and think will this be the last time I ever see you? Will tonight be the night I leave my daughter without a mother? I'm reaching a point now where something has to give either this head pain will get me or my depression will.

28-10-14, 20:08
Sweetie I promise you a sharp pain when you cough is NOTHING to do with an aneurysm. It's massively more likely to be your sinuses after having a cold. I had this hideous brain aneurysm fear. I used to check my pupils constantly thinking one was dilated, I begged for a scan, I was totally and utterly convinced I had a brain aneurysm and there was not a single thing in the world that would convince me otherwise. I had horrible pains running through my head and my eyes, I convinced myself that was it. I cried myself to sleep every night for a month, I couldn't do anything as I was too preoccupied about when I was going to drop down dead.

I saw multiple doctors who checked my eyes, did all the neuro tests etc fine you are fine they told me did I believe them, nope not at all. Thing is this was over a year ago, that aneurysm that I DEFINITELY had, did not happen. I wasted an entire year of my life, of my daughters life too scared to go out the house in case 'it' happened. It never, and it very most probably will not happen to you in your life time, never mind right now. x

29-10-14, 00:19
Hello thanks for reply had pretty much given up on one then so I really appreciate that. I'm lying in bed now daughter has just wet bed so had to change all the sheets and whilst I was changing them the head pain was still there an I thought it's going to burst now.. Imagine if I dropped dead now no1 would know and the baby would be left with my body for God knows how long !! It's a horrific thought the sharp pain in my head comes when I strain aswell such as when I lift something heavy it's really, really scary an I think with the week long general headache to go with it the pains really getting me down taking the terror and paranoia out of it for a second. I know by coming on here I'm feeding into my anxiety by asking for reassurance of my fears and it's not actually a medical site. I'm just so worried about this

29-10-14, 07:47
Ive googled and researched brain aneurysms so much they were part of my everyday life. Everyday I had the its going to happen now' moment. It just never ever did.

What you have arent symptoms of an aneurysm honestly. Its more one dilated pupil, drooping eyelid neurological kind of things. And even thenn that would be rare, they dont usually have any warning signs. Its really not an aneurysm, please dont make the same mistake I did and ruin your life with this fear. X

30-10-14, 12:58
I get that sharp pain too, when coughing or sneezing, sometimes when bending over. It can be a form or a migraine or even a type of stress headache. I understand the fear, I am on day 7 of a headache (has gotten better but its still there). History of migraines in my family and I get one almost monthly. I always think that "this is it." Its horrible. But you are fine, your doc checked you out and gave you a clean bill of health. Promise, just try to breath, relax and stay distracted. The fact that you had a trigger (with being sick) proves the point even more.

31-10-14, 12:32
Roxy I sympathise deeply with u this fear is crippling because the anyeurysm is just boom sudden death and that is what terrifies me !! Xx hi Dani thanks for reply went back to docs in a panic because the eye on the same side of the headache keeps going blurry now and feels really strained i keep getting stabbing pains on the inner corner to. He's referred me to a neurologist .. Which scares me because now I think he thinks there's something really wrong but he doesn't want to tell me !!!! Gahhhhh ...Iv never really suffered from migraines particularly I have had one or 2 but not many times I do get quite headachey like tension headaches and stuff like that... But this 7 now 8 day headache is really destroying me. My scalp today feels sore and tingly and abit itchy. I'm just sat in work like wow x

31-10-14, 12:41
Roxy I sympathise deeply with u this fear is crippling because the anyeurysm is just boom sudden death and that is what terrifies me !! Xx hi Dani thanks for reply went back to docs in a panic because the eye on the same side of the headache keeps going blurry now and feels really strained i keep getting stabbing pains on the inner corner to. He's referred me to a neurologist .. Which scares me because now I think he thinks there's something really wrong but he doesn't want to tell me !!!! Gahhhhh ...Iv never really suffered from migraines particularly I have had one or 2 but not many times I do get quite headachey like tension headaches and stuff like that... But this 7 now 8 day headache is really destroying me. My scalp today feels sore and tingly and abit itchy. I'm just sat in work like wow x

I had a headache and pain like you describe for over 2 months last summer. My GP did the same basic tests and I had an eye health examination to check for pressure on my optic nerve (tumour, brain inflammation etc). All fine.
It turned out to be blocked sinuses. Steaming with menthol crystals or Vicks or Olbas oil helps, as does using a saline nasal spray.
I also saw an osteopath, who told me a problem in my shoulder and neck was stopping the sinuses draining properly. 4 sessions with her and the pain had completely gone.

01-11-14, 19:08
Hi chickpea thanks for the reply ... This headache is making me feel miserable ... Woke up this morning with a headache all over my forehead, went to sleep before for 3 hours to try an shift it an woke up it's still bloody there making me feel abit sick and angry! I'm so fed up of it all and it doesn't help Iv moved to a tiny little town now instead of living in my beloved Liverpool and the nearest hospital is half an hour away an ambulance times can be ages here. That doesn't inspire me with confidence xx

04-11-14, 10:36
I have very similar symptoms to yours but my worry is a brain tumour. My mother died of a primary brain tumour at 36 and I'm now 34 and terrified that these headaches are a tumour and I will leave my daughter without a mother, she's only 14 months old.

I've seen doctor twice and both times she didn't seem worried, I had blood tests yesterday but would they even show up a tumour? I know that they are very rare, especially primary tumours but this fact does not make me feel any better.

05-11-14, 14:36
Hi Lozzianne... I know your fear only to well my daughter is 4 and I'm terrified I will die and she will be motherless my fear is made worse by the fact her dad is for want of a better word pointless.. He wouldn't see her at all if it wernt for the fact his mother picks her up for the weekend once or twice a month and then he will pop round and see her !!! I always think who would look after her and what if I die alone in house with her and she is left alone with my body for God knows how long.. Really horrendous thoughts. Sorry to hear that about ur mum that must be really scary not to mention seriously affected you as a child. I know that fact it is very rare will do nothing to alleviate ur fears because they very nature of us makes us assume and fear the worst. If you would like to talk then feel free to inbox me xx

05-11-14, 15:36
Can I join in this thread? I have been ill for months with a mixture of odd symptoms, mostly headaches, migraines, sickness and I too am scared I have something in my brain, a tumour (despite having a brain scan a few years back), also suffering migraines. My eyesight seems to be a bit worse now too (maybe getting older) and I always seem to be a bit dizzy. I am also convinced I am going to die. Its probably more likely I am getting a bit old and worrying myself sick. I have so much stress right now and everything seems to be going wrong, so yes I hear everyone here x

06-11-14, 12:59
Hiya ... Iv just been back on thread I'm in work and had a cigarette now Iv gone all dizzy and weird so sat in work feeling very anxious foot tapping away feeling abit funny convinced it's the aneurysm playing havoc with me. Hate feeling like there's a ticking time bomb in my head ... All the symptoms are making me feel ill, anxious and miserable x