View Full Version : Tummy ache back

Silly Blonde
02-01-07, 12:48
Haven't posted for ages as have been feeling quite good. Even during the stressful run up to Xmas. The minute I left work the Friday before Xmas, the tummy pains (crippling low left side pain) started. Over the break I've had tummy ache, lower back ache etc etc and generally feeling like pants.

I am so sick of this - why oh why does it not go and then STAY AWAY!!!!

Have routine appointment with my psychologist this Thursday, so will no doubt have a moan with him.

Back at work today and I'm struggling - just want to go home and curl up in my duvet :(

SB xx

02-01-07, 14:25

Thanks for this post. I too feel bad today with exactly the same pains as you have and reading your post has put a smile on my face(not in a bad way) it lets us know we are not alone. I've had these pains for a few months now and of course when I forget about them they ease up a bit. Hope you too feel better soon. Hugs.xx

Take Care


02-01-07, 15:14
Know just how you feel pet.It does get better.:(

Ellen XX

02-01-07, 15:50
Hi there,

This is what i hate you get a pain it goes away for ages then it comes back again with a vengeance, hence the worrying starts all over again. Hope you start to feel better sonn and take care .

shirley xx

Silly Blonde
02-01-07, 16:25
Thanks all. I just can't wait to get home, get my pjs on and curl up with my hot water bottle/TENS machine/both!!!

Have tried no end of IBS pills - but NOTHING works! I have heard that there is a new probiotic tablet (LP299V) made by Quest vitamins - apparently its supposed to reduce IBS symptoms in 95% of cases - ie stops tummy ache, bloating etc. I trawled round all the health food shops at lunchtime and everywhere had run out!! So I'm taking that as a very good sign and have ordered some off the net!!!! Hope they arrive soon!!!

But thanks again for the replies - I thought I had cracked this before Xmas, but now feel back where I started. But I know what you mean Mandy, it does help (in the nicest possible way!!) when you realise others have the same symptoms!

Tomorrow is another day - so hopefully will feel better - although I will no doubt wake up expecting to have tummy ache, and as if by magic, I will!!!!!!!

Take care

SB xx

02-01-07, 16:28
i hope you start to feel better pretty soon, sending you (((((hugs))))) in the meantime!!!