View Full Version : Moved into my new flat but still waking early am

29-10-14, 07:19
hi guys.the last 3 weeks of living atbmy sisters i was waking up around 4-5 am for no reason and couldnt drift back.i thought it was because i had a lot on my mind .well iv moved into my own flat last friday and stsying on a blow up bed untill i get a proper bed.i fall to sleep fine,but im still waking at around 5 am and can not go backto sleep.realy anoying as i havnt had a good full night for weeks now and are scared it might become permenant.any advice.

29-10-14, 07:31
Hi Greg,

The body is like that mate, it gets into routines, even bad ones and sticks to them. Its not permanent, that is definate but they can be hard to change because we sometimes don't have much direct control over them and have to just make some sleep habit changes or work on anxiety levels and the sleep just changes more easily on its own.

For me, it just kind of happened on its own really because I worked on anxiety in general so that I was more relaxed.

Do you find you worry about your sleep or even dread it? Or maybe you worry or dread waking up like this? I would suggest working on these thought patterns is a good way to make your subconscious less aware that there could be a problem.

Also look at sleep routine. Can you do anything that might help you sleep pattern such as anything that calms you at night, calming drinks, relaxation exercises, visualisation, meditation, etc.

I know its a frustrating one mate, I remember it well and I'm sure MrAndy will be along soon as he has had a bad few weeks of it recently (I think he's got past it now though but I remember him struggling and it reminded me just how my thoughts would spiral out of control due to sleep issues).

Do you get much exercise? This is proven to help with sleep as it regulates hormones and the circadian rhythm.

29-10-14, 07:44
Hi terry,thanks for reply,well im decorating all dsy so working hard and tired ,i take my meds then goto bed around 11pm,i fall to sleep fine with no real worry on my mind,i drift off ok,but just dont understand why i wake at silliy oclock for no reason and obiously still very tired when i do wake.i am starting to worry that i will wake early,because im in need for a good night sleep.when i was staying at the homeless night shelter i was able to sleep from 10pm through till 7am,and didnt even wake to any noise ,so now im in my own place on a comfy bed,i cant see why im waking

30-10-14, 11:19
greg ridiculous isn't it all this I know how you feel ive been suffering with really bad GAD but within reason slept ok(ish), then a few weeks ago I started to feel brilliant in the day I was ecstatic.. but then I started to wake automatically like a paranoid mess at 3am in the morning I couldn't believe it ive never feared going to sleep.... its as if anxietys waiting to get ya

trouble is now your thinking about this whole scenario of waking up and its bothering you it will probably continue to happen

tk care kris

30-10-14, 16:47
hi kris.yep nasty.not getting any sleep.this hapend to me a few years ago for months.then my meds changed all that and i was sleeping nice.i think it must be because im in my own flat with a lot on my mind.im sleeping on a blow up bed in the front room at the moment while i decorate my bedroom.maybe once my bedroom is done ill have a seperate room to goto and sleep better.fingers crossed

30-10-14, 17:54
perhaps its just one of them mate hope you get yourself sorted ive noticed your on olanzapine when in the day do you take this?

30-10-14, 19:30
i take 5mg olanxipine at night.hr before bed.when i first starting taking it i found it used to really help me sleep.but over time it seems to have worn off.not sure ots helping my anxiety.in fact none of my meds are working

30-10-14, 19:31
It might be that now you're living one, you're sleeping lighter (keeping a subconscious ear alert for any danger etc).
Or maybe you're waking up as it starts to get lighter? I've started wearing an eye mask to block out the light.

Do you sleep at all past 5am? Maybe worth getting up, having a cuppa and then trying to go back to bed.

I'm waking up every single night at the moment, sometimes 2 or 3 times. I can get back to sleep but it still bothers me - no idea why it's happening.
My mum says she wakes up at 4am most nights. She takes half a sleeping pill and goes back to sleep, bit I don't think that's a great solution.

30-10-14, 19:34
With the clocks going back last weekend I am waking up earlier so maybe that has added to your problem as well. Your body will have got used to waking early too but hopefully you soon be more rested and able to sleep more.

30-10-14, 20:38
didnt think aboit the clocks .could be that...im in my flat now annie as much as its nice to have my own flat im still getting fed up with what must be a anxiety thing.im not relaxed and cant focus on things like thevtv when sitting down.also i still get this funny feeling.where im.aware of things and myself and watching mysrlf move around uncomftable feeling harf to explain really.but i supose its not being relaxed...example.even if i look down at my feet my iner self says...im looking at my feet.its like im in my own reality show and im the audeance to my own movements.what the hell is thid.i hate it.i want to be able to get stuck into a film and when its finished wonder whete the time has gone

30-10-14, 20:49
It sounds like you are experiencing some depersonalisation. It is only your first week in the flat though and any new home takes a few weeks to get used to. Hopefully you will be more settled soon. I am sure the clock change has something to do with the early waking though. I just say to myself if I wake at 6..."oh well it would have been 7 last week" :D

30-10-14, 21:15
thanks chick.you could have a point there never thought about that.

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

thanks annie.allways good advice.i hat this depersonalization.iv had it for months and i try to ignore it but its really hard because its in my face all the time.esp when im sitting on my own

31-10-14, 02:06
I agree with Chickpea & Annie.

I wear an eye mask now as I sleep more in the day than at night and it does help. I remember reading about the circadian rhythm and sunlight starts to wake us hence needing to block it out if sleep patterns are in light periods.

Something to also consider is that serotonin converts to melatonin and then back again with this rhythm. Night shifts can really mess your body clock around, especially if you suffer from anxiety or depression so it may be that the light is an issue.

I think that you gave an example of where you felt more comfortable in the shelter and now you are having to get used to a big change. This could be the reason that you are experiencing some issues at the moment but it will change as you become more confident in your new home mate.

Just stay busy and distract yourself and I'm sure you will improve this soon.