View Full Version : Howdy :)

29-10-14, 10:19

I'll just jump right in :blush:

Basically, I am very anxious.

As a teenager I was attacked, it led to panic attacks and agrophobia. I got over it all on my own, and moved away as my mum was against meds.
I've always had wee anxious bouts - I left my old job due to injury but also the crippling fear of getting into trouble! I constantly felt I would do something wrong, or make a mistake and loose my job. So, I used my injury as a good excuse to leave.

I now have my own business, with pets and should be on top of the world but I've finally had enough - I have anxieties, like, did I turn of my straightners? did I lock the door? did I lock the pets up? and I have to check all these things . . . and they go round my head. I can't relax and constantly have buzzing in my head.

It used to be liveable but I've actually had enough. Quite simply, I don't want to be this anxious person, and I want to be comfortable, so I finally seen my GP and he put me on fluoxitene.

Ive sat staring at the box, Literally terrified myself with the side effects and yeah I'm pretty freaked, as I already have fatigue, tiredness but Im terrified of getting worse!
But, with the support of my bf took the first one today.

I've always wanted to stay away from meds (im against animal testing!) but I just cant cope with the constant fear. I used to be into the gym and be in good shape, but the gym never helped the anxiety (I worried the whole time I was there about home), and my new job is really physical and Im outdoors all day - so if that isnt helping, then I guess its time to give these a try . . .

support needed :) x

30-10-14, 11:51
hello and :welcome:

There is so much help and support here so hopefully things will improve for you soon.

30-10-14, 19:20
Hi :welcome: to the forum