View Full Version : Off balanced, Light headed.

29-10-14, 11:51
This is my first post on this forum. I've been feeling like this for around 3 months now. I feel a little off balance almost dizzy throughout the day. I get strange sensations around my head and neck a lot. I bit like pressure and my head feels very heavy. I get panic attacks usually brought on by the feeling.

Been to see the Doctor numerous times now and had balanced tests, eye checked etc. Doc says everything is okay & said it's anxiety & stress. I also visited the optician and everything was healthy. They did prescribe me a slight prescription for working on computers etc.

The strange thing is my balance is actually fine. I can stand on one leg etc walk in straight line. I do 6-10k running a week aswell as football.

However I can't seem to shake the, Brain Tumor/something bad, fear however irrational it feels.

Just wondered if anyone else was struggling with this or had a success dealing with it.

29-10-14, 12:57
I have had similar issues since May this year and would very much like to solve the problem. My awareness feels very poor and more often than usual I find myself bumping into things, tripping etc whereas in the past I would never have been this bad. I also feel very spaced out, very tired and find it difficult to concentrate which I think is the light headed feeling.

Due to other symptoms which have come and gone I would say that it probably is anxiety, but I don't have the answer to improving the situation. My doctor had me on anti depressants and now has me on a beta blocker, but I have yet to notice any positive difference though it is early days.

29-10-14, 13:16
Docs prescribed Beta Blockers as well. I find they help with the panic attacks when I start to feel them coming on.