View Full Version : New Year Diet

02-01-07, 14:56
Well the new Year is here and I cant put the dreaded diet off any longer. My poor dogs have been to the vets today and they are both on strict diets. How can I have 'treats' when they aren't allowed any, So I am going to join them. I wont be eating Hills Light Chicken and Rice Dried dog food though!!!! Wish me luck ev eryone, its not gonna be easy!!!!!!!! But then nothing in life worth having is easy! Might make them listen to Paula McKenna's I can make you thin CD with me.

02-01-07, 18:16
lol Im doing paul mckenna "I can make you thin cd" been doing it for 3 days now and doing the daily paul mckenna journal.

My trousers are so tight , im 1 stone over weight...so want to get back to normality before the spring.

let me know how your doing with it.


02-01-07, 20:16
Way to go Bear and Mirry,

This is the hardest time of year to go on a diet so don't be too hard on yourselves. Make sure there are some "treats" on the way...they need not be edible!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?