View Full Version : 27 year old. so scared i have als. please help.

29-10-14, 20:02
hi everyone and let me start by saying many thanks to anyone who takes time to read this. it all started 12 weeks ago or so, i began experiencing muscle twitching in my left calf, it soon spread to my right so i went to my gp, he said it was nothing to worry about called it fascaclations and that everyone experiences this in there life at some point. however the twitching soon spread to my thighs, bum, chin and so i went back again he said nothing to worry about. however since then the twitching has mainly stayed in my calfs and now is in my arms and more scarely my hands. the twitching is mainly on my right hand my dominant side and i can see the base of the thumb twitching and can feel it aswell. i really panicked when it moved into my left hand although i dont have as much twitching there i am convinced there is muscle wastage and the base of the thumb on my palm looks flatter and possible wastage. my hands hurt pretty bad at time, and recently ive been experiencing my hand going really red and when i move them white patches appear until the colour goes back to normal. i get occasional pins and needles at night in my hands as well. i am so worried my grip is going to go and my als fate will be sealed. i just dont know of anything else that can start with muscle twitches in calves to pain and possible muscle wastage in the hands. im absolutly terrified about this. ive had to go private and i have an appointment with a neuroligist on tuesday. the anxiaty is really taking its toll, i joined an als site and posted my symptoms on there but they didnt seem to think they were als sounding and didnt want to know. i just wanted to share my feelings and would be gratefull for any responses as to the potential of als or if there is any other things it sounds like. plus i would just like some support. many thanks

29-10-14, 20:57
Do you suffer with anxiety then?