View Full Version : My 9 year old had a seizure

02-01-07, 15:16
Hey everyone

I feel I need to come on here to let a bit of steam out really. Yesterday evening my son had a seizure, he wasnt convulsing and wasnt uncontious but his eyes were flitting around his eyes and shaking, he couldnt stop it and was fully awake. I know a situatation like this would scared any person but its made me feel really shaky, more so this afternoon than yesterday. We went to the hospital and they dont know what caused it, they said that what small neurological tests they did and physical tests they did were all finne. He seems fine today, but then he was yesterday. Im to watch him for 48 hours and if anything happens again, im to take him back.

BUT I didnt feel the doctors helped calm my nerves at all. Today I googled the symptoms, i know thats STUPID but Im desperate for answers. It came up that a form of epilepsy can have the symptoms of this, ie conscious and movements of eyes, etc.

Now I am worried, Not dramatically but as any anxious/normal person would. Im going to speak to my GP tomorrow and see wether he can calm my nerves a bit. I just wanted to share it with you.

Thanks for the rant xxx

02-01-07, 15:45
Hi Kimmy sorry you have got yourself worried about your son.I dont know if you know but my eldest Scott (18) is a severe epileptic and fits everyday and has done since he was 2 years old.Please dont google for answers it will only worry you more.If you would like to chat to me hopefully i may be able to answer some of your questions over the subject.You can message me here of feel free to add me on msn marionreaside@hotmail.com.
hope to speak to you soon
love mazzx

02-01-07, 15:54
Id like to know what small ? neurological tests he was offered and what explaination they gave you.
Mazz x

02-01-07, 16:01
Hi mazz

all they did was look into his eyes, moves his joints, get him to follow her fingers etc. Nothing else at all. He was conscious when he had the seizure!!! The hospital havent said he's epeleptic, just to watch him for 48 hours and take him back if it happens again.

I mean, can this be somesort of one of thing??? Ive never seen anything like it, I work with severe epileptics in my job and normally they going into a trance/blackout (or the ones I have worked with do)

My msn is kim_wilkinson487@hotmail.com

Thank you for responding

02-01-07, 16:08
Hi Kimmy it does,nt sound like epilepsy to me at all but to be honest id ask for more tests just to reasure yourself if nothing else.Has he been ill at all?Iam adding you to my msn so i can try and help more.
Mazz x

02-01-07, 16:12
Thanks Mazz

Im so pleased youve said that. Its that bloody google lol. Im going to see my GP tomorrow, he helps reasure me,and maybe he can help to see if anything can be done. He has been fine, hes had an ever so slight cold, but nothing bad, hes not hit his head nothing lol. Hes obviously being a pain as normal :D

02-01-07, 16:21
Hello Kimmy,
Are there not things called febrile fits that children can have? I think they are usually associated with high temerpatures, though, so don't know if that would apply. My finacee had an out of the blue fit, very similar to an epileptic fit when he was 14, and has had nothing like it since and he's 27 now. So, yes, they can happen once only out of the blue. Hope your son is ok.

02-01-07, 16:33
Thanks for your reassurace. He didnt have a high temperature or nothing. Hope fully it was an out of the blue, thing, he seems fine now. I think it scared him as much as it did us xxxxx

02-01-07, 20:29
Hi Kimmy -
Sorry that you are going thru this right now!! Sending ((((BIG HUGS)))) your way.

My son started having seizures when he was 3. When he had his first seizure the doctors basically said that they don't start to do bunches of tests until there have been more than one because it can happen where someone has one and never has another.

The simple fact is that our bodies react to a number of imbalances by having a seizure. Magnesium, b complex, calcium, iron, sodium, blood sugar levels - if any of those are low then that can cause a seizure.

The epilepsy foundation in the U.S. says on it's website (somewhere - lol) that only about half of the people who have a seizure will ever have another one.

My daughter had one seizure and with the experience I had with my son I naturally was a little freaked out but that was when she was 2 and she's 15 now and never had another one.
If you need to talk or need any info just let me know :)

02-01-07, 21:15
Hi Kimmy

Sorry to hear about your son I know you will be very distressed about the situation. One off seizures can happen and are harmless. How old is your son?

My son was diagnosed with juvenile absence epilepsy at age 14years. He is now 16 years. He has had two tonic clonic seizures (grand mals) but his main seizure type is absence seizure (petit mal) where he would appear to be day dreaming. When we saw the specialist he certainly asked if my son had flickering movements of the eyes (which he has not).

He was given an EEG which did show irregular activity of the brain. He was also given a MRI scan which was clear.

I would agree with Mazz don't google as it will just add to your anxiety. There are so many seizure types and no two people are the same. I have also heard of many people especialy young children who have a random seizure and never have any more.

Feel free to PM me.


02-01-07, 21:20
Hi Kimmy

Sorry I just noticed the thread title, your son is 9 years old. What was he doing at the time? Was he playing on the computer? What does he remember about it? My son seems to loose chunks of memory when he has a tonic clonic seizure. His first big seizure he doesn't remember getting up, breakfast, school, the ambulance or hospital! Quite scary!

I do hope he is well today.


03-01-07, 18:06
Hi Chilli

Kai was fully awake when it was happening, but couldnt stop it. Im not worrying about it no more, hes been referred to the hospital now. He seems perfectly normal now.....well for Kai anyways lol