View Full Version : Panic Attack or a Seizure?

30-10-14, 02:23
I tried to go to bed and while laying there started to feel ultra strange:

Pins and Needles in my hands and feet, almost like my limbs are frozen unmovable, Feel sick, Feel like Im not breathing, when I start to drift to sleep its like my body goes rigid.

my blood pressure is 172/113

30-10-14, 13:37
Still don't know if what I experienced is a panic attack.

I still feel well off at the moment, full details are I was laying in bed watching TV at around 12pm and my right arm felt kinda strange and it had a twitch in the forearm muscle then both my hands started tingling followed by my feet and my lips/tounge, whenver I attempted to close my eyes and sleep it felt as if my tounge was rolling upwards and my arms felt as if I couldnt move them.

I also felt quite short of breath and flat , I sat up and took my blood pressure and it was crazy high and stayed crazy high although my pulse was still normal at around 60s.

I have been worrying alot the last few weeks and had taken some propranolol to try and calm myself down the past few days, I havent took propranolol for many months.

My hands still feel very strange now and im very tired/lightheaded and have had all of about 2 hours sleep.

31-10-14, 08:41
Maybe get your doc to give you the once over but what you describe sounds very like panic symptoms. I used to get a lot of pins and needles even complete paralysis of limbs many years ago. If you over breath as you do during anxiety the body has too much oxygen. Slow breaths through the stomach and not chest help. Literally count to seven on the in breath through the nose and then out slowly through slightly pursed lips until the lungs are empty. The strange feelings all go hand in hand with the unbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. You breath shallow which makes tou feel breathless so you breath more,it's a vicious cycle many of us have experienced. The trick is to calm the breathing and stop your mind jumping to all sorts of wild conclusions about what's going on. Xx

31-10-14, 09:48
Something to think about is that seizures are not necessarily a symptom of epilepsy. I assume its epilsepy that you are afraid you may have developed? There is a form of seizure that is a known possibility for sufferers of stress, anxiety or depression. I knew someone who had one a while ago.

If you think it could be a seizure, consult your GP who can check what you are saying and if he/she thinks it was a seizure they will refer you to a neurologist who will perform tests for epilepsy to rule it out.

I would normally say to check the symptoms against a trusted resource, such as The Epilepsy Society where you can also read more about Disassociative Seizures which can be experienced by anyone and are not linked to epilsepy or anything more serious than anxiety, stress or depression, but do you have HA as well in which case this is usually a bad idea?

31-10-14, 12:03
Yeah I happen to have health anxiety and have been thinking brain tumours for 2 years or so. whatever this is or was, is perfectly symetric, both hands, both feet, lips and end of tounge.

I have taken some diazepam over the past day to relax myself and I noted my blood pressure dropped from ultra highs like 178/113 to 140/90.