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30-10-14, 14:29
don't know if thisa panic attack or anxiety attack im having right now as it is scareing me im thinking I cant cope with feeling like this ive got the fear and dread feeling in my stomach my arms feel weak its ever since this morning I woke up feeling anxiouse and got a thought ive nothing to look forward too which ive never thought that before and then my mind went into overdrive thinking omg am getting depression and should I see a pyschitrist or someone, then about a hour ago my daughter was going to see her other sister who lives 7 miles away and asked if I wanted to go and bam strait away I started to feel panic and dread because of the thought of going as even just thinking about traveling on bus/train/car I get all the horrible feelings and I didn't go but ever since im feeling so very anxiouse scared, feeling so overwhelmed and crying at the moment because of the way I am at the moment and beating myself up as to why im feeling this way today as its never effected me this bad before and just don't know if if is either panic/ or anxiety that is just causeing me to feel like this and that im going to be ok any advice would be so grateful thk you

30-10-14, 14:46
Yes, it's panic. Take a deep breath - you can get past this.

You say you have nothing to look forward to, but that's not true. We always have things to look forward to in this life, even if we have to plan them ourselves :) Maybe you and your daughter could go shopping, or to the park. Maybe -if you can afford it- you could splurge on something you've really wanted for a long time. Or, if you don't want to go out, you could have a day where you cook or bake and watch Netflix all day. Either alone, or with your daughter. Whatever sounds fun - do it, and look forward to it!

Do you often have panic attacks, or is this out of the blue? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see someone that can help you learn to cope with the panic so it can pass and you can get on with your day.

Something that helps me when I'm feeling anxious is to write out all the things that are making me feel this way. It's great to talk out loud about them too - it helps get them out of your head. Then you can talk through all of your anxieties and try to find a way to either solve the problems, or live with them.

I'm sorry you feel awful now, but it will get better. :hugs:

30-10-14, 15:16
thk you poppy I had a very bad panic attack about 4yrs ago while I was getting off a bus as I had to go and a see physicatrist I didn't want to see I did put a post on here awhile back about him and ive had mild panic attacks before but not as bad as this one, you a re right I have things to look forward to as its my daughters wedding in 2 wks I am worried about that tho because I know ive got to travel to get to the wedding so don't know if that's making the anxiety worse. I do try and get out even if its just to local shop or walk round to see my daughter, I don't go and see my other children because they live other side of city and id have to travel to see them and I always beat myself up over not being able to go and see them as I do want to do it but the fear just takes over me just wish I could over come the fear .

30-10-14, 15:29
Maybe you could try to head out towards where your other children live. You may not make it all the way there, but go as far as you feel comfortable and increase that distance over time.

Try to map out a route that has points of interest along the way, so even if you don't make it all the way to your children, you've still gone somewhere. So, maybe there's a coffee shop 1/4 of the way to where your children live - try to make it there. Or maybe there's an interesting restaurant 1/2 of the way to where your children live; try to work your way up to getting there.

Do you know exactly what it is that makes you fear traveling, even just cross-city?

30-10-14, 15:59
I could try that poppy , I don't know why im lm so fearful i think its because of the feeling of bieng anxiouse and the symtoms that stop me from doing it if that make ssence as im not scared of the actual bus/car/train so i don't know why im like it ,