View Full Version : A Question for Everyone here

30-10-14, 15:05
Did you have anxiety before you had palpitations?

Or did the palpitations start first?

My guess is that, generally, we suffered from various anxiety symptoms for a long time like GERD, IBS, panic attacks, etc. then the palpitations started.

That was certainly true for me.

My thinking is it might be a bit more reassuring if we discover most of us suffered from anxiety first and then various effects of that.

It supports the idea that anxiety is the cause and that palpitations are just another symptom. :)

30-10-14, 15:15
I have a theory about it:

There are 2 groups of people:

group 1) millions of people who have PVCs / PACs or other arrhythmias for natural reasons, but only the anxious ones can feel it. 99% of these people have no idea about the meaning of a PVC / PAC / tachycardias / something else

group 2) people who have PVCs / PACs and other heart related issues BECAUSE of anxiety only.

I'm not really sure in which group I am included, but probably on second one.

30-10-14, 17:04
I noticed that i was experiencing a high heart rate at unusual times...like after i had just gotten out of bed in the morning. This was before i knew i had anxiety.. I thought i was just unfit and needed to do more exercise.
I then started experiencing other symptoms which i KNOW are caused by anxiety.

The jury is still out on my heart symptoms...i'm undergoing investigations on this after my aunt suddenly died from a heart related issue that is possibly hereditary (causing my health anxiety to become extreme) therefore i have no idea what's real and what's not when it comes to heart symptoms. I find it near impossible to think logically about it!

30-10-14, 18:40
It all started all of a sudden before a college exam. I had never experienced before any palpitation, heart or anxiety-related symptom. I was brushing my teeth at home when suddenly my heart started pounding and racing erratically. I felt dizzy, short of breath and I thought I was going to die. I managed to control myself and to have the exam on that day. This was back in 2006. Since then, heart and anxiety-related symptoms never ceased to haunt me. But as to palpitations specifically, they seldom occur to me and are very short-lived. It's the chest pressure/tightness and, sometimes, dull ache that bothers me the most. It can last half an hour, several hours or even days.