View Full Version : settling in to a new home- help!

worried 101
31-10-14, 08:40
Hi there.
My partner and I have very recently moved into our own house, along with his 2 children who stay over often. We have worked hard to get their rooms looking really nice and happy to say that love them!
With all the moving, unpacking and redecorating I haven't had much of a chance to just take it all in. I get very anxious over these types of big life events and am struggling to feel settled at the moment.
When we do sit down at the end of an evening it doesn't yet feel 'right' if that makes sense?! When we bought the house I didn't get that feeling that it was somewhere that straight off I knew I wanted (you hear so many people that say it just felt right) but felt overtime and with redecorating it would do.
I know it is early days and it may take time but I just wondered if anyone else had trouble settling into their houses and any tips you may have?
Thanks in advance.

31-10-14, 14:37
It does take time. When I moved in with my friends in town, I hated it there - I wanted to go home (home was only 20 minutes away). It took forever to feel settled, and since I'd move home over the summer, each year I still had to re-settle, though it happened quicker.

I was sad to move out. I still go over and visit them there and even though I don't have a room there, it still feels like home.

I think it will feel more like home once you put some memories there. I can walk into my friends' house and see the spot on the couch where I watched Netflix with them when we had a snow day; I can see where my friend broke the screen on a window when we got locked out; where we played ball and did exercises and ate dinner. Those things make it feel like home, more than any decorations or the actual house itself.

I do believe we can form attachments to places, but I also firmly believe that home can be where your family/friends are. Wherever that may be.

worried 101
31-10-14, 15:48
thanks for your reply :)
I think because I see my home as my safe place, where I can relax and try to let go of worries and anxieties, that removing me from that place is a big upheaval.
I think you are right though and that hopefully within time we will make more memories and it will feel less of a shell. I am pleased that you have found making the transition of moving has become easier over time for you:)
Its hard because I have been doing a lot better anxiety wise and especially when I compare it to this time last year I would have been amazed how far I have come.
However I can feel the anxiety starting to take hold again atm, maybe due to tiredness as well, but that feeling I get in my chest and stomach are back and so familiar to how I felt before.
Anyone else out there that has experienced anything similar?