View Full Version : Literally a vicious circle

31-10-14, 20:36
So the past few weeks my anxiety has been slowly wearing on, all the symptoms like lump in throat, heart rate varying, feel generally anxious. Until Tuesday night hit and I had a full blown anxiety attack, started with a lump in my throat (causing me to panic), heart rate increases with palpitations, and it all went downhill from there! I had 3 cups of tea that day of with sugar so I guess that didn't help!
The next day I visited my GP, I explained my symptoms and she said it's very classic symptoms of Anxiety issues, she took my heart rate a few times and blood pressure, although for my own piece of mind she booked me in for an ECG and some blood tests which I'm happy enough abouts.

But I still have the constant fear I am going to drop dead or die in my sleep because of my heart! Will it ever end?!

31-10-14, 20:47
Your heart is capable of pumping well over 100bmp for hours on end without causing any harm.
When it starts to race, instead of thinking my God, I'm going to die!", try thinking, "thank God I've got a good, strong heart keeping me alive."
It's simply reacting to adrenaline, preparing you for fight or flight.

Have you downloaded the CBT for Panic course? It will really help you get an understanding of your panic and take away the fear of what is happening you. (It can be found in a red sticky post at the top of the panic board.)
Also, get a copy of Claire Weekes "Self Help for Your Nerves." Again, it will make you feel massively better in the first few pages - very easy to read and a huge comfort.

You are trapped in a vicious cycle - you get panic symptoms, then you panic...which causes more adrenaline...which causes your symptoms to increase etc. The CBT and the book will stop this happening and you will stop having panic attacks.

31-10-14, 21:15
Thanks for your reply and for the reassurance! I love coming on here because it makes me feel like im not the only one!
I'll definitely look at the CBT course and also the Weekes books, I've heard a few people recommending them!

Again thanks! :)

31-10-14, 21:28
You are absolutely not the only one!

I've had 2 major bouts of anxiety and panic - the first 5 years ago, the other this last 2 months. The first one took medication, sleeping tablets and almost my sanity...that was before I discovered CBT, NMP and Claire Weekes.
This time around, I haven't even seen my GP about it - I've simply re-read Claire Weekes, downloaded the CBT course and reminded myself no-one ever died from a panic attack.
Lots of rest, a good walk in the fresh air, no lying in bed obsessing, no Googling symptoms, some mindfulness meditation (have a look at Headspace) and you'll be feeling much better very soon.