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View Full Version : Worried about worms! (Maybe TMI)

31-10-14, 20:49
So basically, for about 3 month or so I have had (very mild) diarrhoea and the last few weeks this turned into slight constipation one day and the next diarrhoea (with some days not going at all).
I have read coming off meds can cause this and I also mentioned the diarrhoea to the docs almost 4 weeks ago and nothing was mentioned. However, earlier this evening when I went to the toilet I noticed a brown string like thing from my 'business' and it was moving. There were also a few tiny whitish segments moving around the toilet bowl. I am now 99% convinced I have worms and I am terrified as I have read some bad stuff. We do have 3 cats but we have been checking their poop for other reasons recently and I'm almost certain they don't have it, they have also been to the vets (for a diff reason, but I'm sure they would still have noticed whilst checking them over). So now I am worried it's due to contaminated meat and my partner and child may have them!
I have a GP appointment next Friday for something else so I could easily mention them then but I am so scared to wait that long and am contemplating the walk in centre in the morning. Can these be dangerous or is that very rare? My health anxiety has been very manageable lately and then this :-(

31-10-14, 20:56
The most likely explanation is thread worm - tiny thin white worms, harmless but not very pleasant. Children get them, by not washing their hands and then eating - they scratch their bottoms, get the eggs under their nails and then have their fingers in their mouths, which starts the cycle off all over again.

Have you had any itching? Or a wriggly feeling?
You can get tablets over the counter at a chemist, and you'll need to treat the whole family, as well as wash underwear and bedding at a high temperature to 'll the eggs.

31-10-14, 21:20
To be honest I do recall a wriggly feeling (unless that's my imagination playing up).

Could thread worm appear brown? I feel disgusting now, will 60 degrees do it as that is all my washing machine goes up to? Can it definitely not be dangerous?
I know its not the same but I am petrified of all things creepy crawly and the thought of having this inside me is really freaking me out.

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------

My partner claims the movement could be caused by the 'flow' in the toilet as this was almost at the back, could this be true?

31-10-14, 21:34
Obviously there are more serious parasites - tape worms etc - but I can say I've had dogs and cats and chickens for the past 30 years and never picked up anything from any of them, so the chances of you having anything other than thread worms are slim, I would guess.

Keep your children's nails short, treat the whole family and next time you go to the loo, have a look at the paper after you've wiped - you are looking for white thread-like wiggly worms.

60 degrees should be fine.

I've had worms 2 or 3 times, thanks to my lovely daughter!

31-10-14, 22:21
Ok thank you for your replies. I've seen nothing on toilet roll or anything, but I'm still worried. I suppose.I could phone the chemist in the morning see what they think. I'm just worried it's not threadworm as it definitely wasn't white.
At least I have an appointment next Friday so I can voice my worries if I'm still worried by then.

01-11-14, 04:15
It does sound like threadworm from the white bits. This is nothing to worry about, its very common and its not just something kids get. I've had it a couple of times when I was a young lad and I just had to take a drink when I was very young or a small tablet when I was an older lad. They were quickly killed off and expelled.

Have you been finding you have an itchy bottom and are more hungry or find it difficult to stop being hungry? These are often seen with threadworms.

The other issue might actually be due to your bowel movements. You have been a bit all over the place so perhaps its a transit issue and something has come out that way? So, unless you see that again, perhaps its just worth treating the threadworm and see ing what happens? It sounds unlikely to experience two distinct types of worms, its more likely going to be one.

01-11-14, 14:37
The most likely explanation is thread worm - tiny thin white worms, harmless but not very pleasant. Children get them, by not washing their hands and then eating - they scratch their bottoms, get the eggs under their nails and then have their fingers in their mouths, which starts the cycle off all over again.

Have you had any itching? Or a wriggly feeling?
You can get tablets over the counter at a chemist, and you'll need to treat the whole family, as well as wash underwear and bedding at a high temperature to 'll the eggs.


Although when I was younger I was very itchy. Pretty much definitely would have had these at some point. Massively fearful of worms! (Not in a HA way. In a 'I-am-really-scared-of-garden-worms way).

01-11-14, 15:44

Although when I was younger I was very itchy. Pretty much definitely would have had these at some point. Massively fearful of worms! (Not in a HA way. In a 'I-am-really-scared-of-garden-worms way).

I'm not sure whether the wriggly feeling is psychosomatic or actual, but I definitely felt like something was wriggling!!

01-11-14, 21:29
Haha thanks guys, it's a squirmy subject haha. I haven't felt any itch and this morning I never saw anything in loo, but feel a little nauseus, however I was ill last night after seeing that 'worm' so assume it's just from the way I feel. I'm gonna keep an eye out and if I see it again I'll buy those tablets and also mentioned to docs.